Chapter seven

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“You are right. I do want to visit him and I do want to ask him for a favor, but this is not your business.” Ragnor sighed, “do not tell me it is what I think.” “Maybe, maybe not. It is my life and I decide what to do.” “I can sense you want to be with this human guy. Do not visit him, you would do a big mistake! The sea witch is treacherous and you know that. It will not end well!” “You have no idea what I want to do!” “But what about us? What about your family? What about father?”

“I know I will hurt him. I know will disappoint him, and I truly hope it will be worth it.” Magnus looked down, at the seabed. He wasn't able to look into his brothers eyes anymore, there was pain in it and there was this feeling of doing wrong, but those hazel eyes were worth it. Magnus repeated in his words over and over again that these hazel eyes were worth it. He felt like the boy was worth everything, everything Magnus had to give.

“Well.. I know I cannot stop you and take you back to the castle..”, Ragnor sighed, not daring to believe what he was about to say, “but I truly hope you will find your happiness in whatever you are going to do.” “Thank you”, replied Magnus and hugged him, “you might hate me now but could you do me a favor?” Ragnor wasn't quite sure but he nodded. “Do not tell father, nor our siblings, nor uncle about this conversation and my plan to visit the sea witch. They will be angry and do everything to stop me from making my own decisions.” “This is exactly what I was trying to do..” “And I beg to you leave it with this one try”, Magnus made the best pleading eyes he has ever done before to convince his brother.

“You beg me to do something impossible..”, Ragnor sighed loud. What was he going to do? He didn't know, he didn't want to hide the truth and he wanted Magnus to stay with him, but at the same  it was his brothers happiness connected with a risk. The question was: was the supposed happiness worth the risk? “Please”, whispered Magnus. “I will hate myself for saying this.. but okay. I will not tell anyone.” Magnus smiled, happily and yet unsure if his brother will keep his promise. All he could do in this moment was to hope and that was all he did. “Thank you.”

He turned his head torwards the direction of the sea witchs residence and Ragnor sensed Magnus wanted to leave, now. “Do not make me regret my decision!” “This will not happen”, stated Magnus and watched his brother giving him a nod before swimming away, back to the castle. Then he swam towards the opposite direction. Hopefully everything will go well, hopefully the sea witch will fulfill his wish and give him the chance to meet the Prince.

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