Chapter twelve

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White, big, majestical. Magnus had no other words to describe the inside of the castle. He has only been here for a minute but he already loved it. It looked different than his own home, there was more gold and white and the underwater castle was made of corals and pearls.

“Alexander! Where have you been?! Your mother and I were worried sick.” An elderly man walked torwards the Prince. Magnus guessed it was his father, the king. “I took a walk and then I met him. Since he cannot speak, he wrote his Name. It's Magnus.”, Alexander smiled as he mentioned the rescue. “He was laying on the beach without any clothes, completely lost. Therefore I decided to give him my coat and bring him here.” The man nodded, “you made a good decision, I hope.”

Then he looked around to another man who stood next to a door. “Someone bring this young man clothes and wash him!” The man near the door moved and walked to Magnus. “Sir, please follow me.” Magnus looked at the Prince, unsure of what to do. Alexander nodded to show him it was okay. Magnus trusted the boy and decided to go with this mysterious man. Although he knew it was a guard, he only felt well in company with Alexander.

While walking away, he heard the elderly speak: “did you tell him who you are?” “No”, he heard Alexanders answer, “and I wish to keep it this way. For now. I will tell him by myself soon...”

Magnus didn't hear the rest, he was already too far away and was brought into a room with a big white bathtub. “Do you need help with washing?”, the man asked. The boy didn't know how to answer. Washing? This was something Magnus has never done before. When he got his legs, he never thought of cleaning himself. No matter how this washing process looked like, he knew he needed help. Therefore he gave the guard a quick nod.

A black suit. Magnus wore a comfortable black suit with a white shirt as he walked towards the boy, ready to eat with him breakfast. “Good morning. I hope you slept well”, commented Alexander as Magnus sat down in front of him. Magnus smiled and nodded as an answer. It was the morning after the Prince found Magnus on the beach. After the guard washed Magnus, he brought him to his own new room and told him when he had to wake up for breakfast.

After the guard closed the doors, Magnus looked around and checked every centimetre of the new room. He found a few suits in the closet, a big bed and some furniture. Then he went to bed and immediately fell asleep. It was his first night as human and it was a very comfortable one. Now, Magnus sat down on a long table filled with all kind of food. He didn't know what it was but it looked delicious.

“Take what you want”, Alexander said and used a silver thing with three  sharp tips on it the one side to pick something up. Magnus didn't know what to do or what to eat so he did the exact same thing with the same tool. It was a yellow, soft substance and the Prince asked him, “oh you like scrambled eggs?” Magnus loved the taste of these scrambled eggs and put even more on his plate.

Then Alexander put the next substance on the plate and the next one and Magnus always picked up the same. When the Prince used a long silver stick with a thin end, then Magnus did the same and found out how to cut things right. The way humans ate fascinated Magnus very much.

After they finished eating breakfast - Alexander hasn't said much - he used a white soft paper and touched his mouth with it. It seemed to be useful as cleaning tool. “What do you think about a little trip with horses?” Magnus looked around, in search for a pen and a paper but all he saw was food.. and his cleaning tool. He used his finger and dipped in a brown sauce to write something down. His attempt went horrible wrong but it was enough for Alexander to come up with an idea.

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