Chapter four

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“I know of whom you talk about”, answered his sister Catarina as Magnus decided to finally talk to them. “Tell me, where can I find him?” “He doesn't live far away. I can show you. Come”, the girl smiled and grabbed his hand. Together, they swam for a few minutes before they appeared above the water.

A magical, beautiful and big castle was seen in the distance. Most parts were white and it was surrounded by trees and the green nature. Big rocks separated the castle and the ocean. The merman took a moment for himself, for gazing at this view. This was the place the boy lived in?

“Do you know what rank he has to live here?” She nodded. “And which one is it?” “The boy you talked about. It's the Prince of this kingdom. Look”, she pointed at one door near the rock coast where a young boy was coming from. “This is him, right?” Magnus swam closer, slowly. Not wanting to be seen. A nod was given to the mermaid as Magnus saw a gleam of hazel in the boys eyes. It was him. “Now you know where he lives. I warn you not to get too close. The human world don't know about us and father would never want this to change.”

Sadness filled Magnus' torso and fish tail as he realized the true words of his sister. He watched the boy walking in company with a girl and then turned around. The girl who found him on that beach weeks ago. She was the same, Magnus knew for sure. She was the one. The Prince would never know his true life saver.

“I wonder if I should have never saved him”, he swam back to her and soon they disappeared under the water. “Do not say that, brother. You have done something wonderful none of us could state.” He sighed, not wanting to answer. The only thing Magnus wanted in this moment was to go home and be alone. His mind battled between the wish to talk with the Prince with the hazel eyes and the desire to end the pain he has given to himself with rescuing him.

The mind of Magnus was divided. He wanted to see the Prince again, yet he felt so much pain by just looking at him, knowing they will never meet. Then finally the part of Magnus which wanted to see him again won and so the merman made his way back to the castle, to the human world.

He visited him mostly during sunsets, watching him taking a walk or entering a ship that would sail by while Magnus hide behind some rocks. Sometimes he saw him in company with this girl, sometimes with elderly humans and sometimes alone. When the Prince was on a ship but in his cabin, then Magnus was able to hear the conversations his new sailors had about him. He enjoyed hearing the happiness of the sailors when it came to his rescue. The rescue that happened only because of Magnus.

The more time he spent with watching humans do human things, the more he began to admire them. They were able to fly through the sky, able to travel over the water but most importantly, they were able to walk. They could climb high, and dance, and run around. Unlike him and his whole species who could swim and only swim. With every day that passed, the young Magnus wanted to know more about the human world. More than his uncle told him, more than he himself could see.

None of his siblings were as fascinated as him, they did understand why he was like that. They knew there was a human. A special human. But they also knew that there was no chance of a merman or mermaid and a human ever being together. The sad part is that Magnus knew as well but he never thought about it. He didn't need to because he was quiet happy watching the Prince doing something. No matter what - it was always fantastic.

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