Chapter six

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Only a minute, maybe two, after the merman swam torwards the place the sea witch lives in, someone called his name from behind. It was a familiar voice with worry in the sound. Magnus stopped and hoped it was not his father, nor someone else of his family. When he faced the creature who called him, he immediately smiled, not daring to show the hopelessness that haunts him for so long.

“Ragnor.. what are you doing here? Has the ball ended? Did father order you to see after me?” “No”, replied Ragnor and shook his head slightly, “he did not send after you, and neither did the ball end.” “Why are you here then?” “I have heard you telling father you need a little break for your voice.” “Indeed”, said Magnus and still didn't know why Ragnor swam after him.

Even though the castle wasn't far away from them, he still had to figure out why his older brother - the oldest of the six siblings - followed him. “Why are you here then?”, asked Magnus, a slight curiosity in his voice. “You never needed a break for your voice before, and this was not your first performance. I was worried so I decided to swim after you after I have seen you leaving the castle garden.” Magnus didn't know how to react, the only word that left his mouth was a little “oh.”

“Magnus, you are my brother. Tell me.. is everything alright?” “It is, don't worry.” He knew he had to lie. He did not want to but it was necessary. “I know it is not. What is it, Magnus? Has your current behaviour something to do with this human?” A sigh, a soft and yet powerful sigh came out of Magnus' mouth as he realized he couldn't trick his brother. “It has..” “Oh Magnus, do not tell me you still think about him. Do not tell me you..”, Ragnor tried to find the right words but Magnus was faster, he completed his sentence before Ragnor could. “.. love him?”

“You know this is not possible? You know father will not agree, do you?” “I am aware of that.” The following question made Magnus look shocked, how did his brother found out about it? He didn't tell his plan anyone. “But you still manage to visit the sea witch?”

“Your reaction tells me I am right. Now, tell me why.” Magnus didn't reply. The truth would be too hard for his brother, for his whole family. It was already too much for Ragnor to know about why he left the ball. The answer was, of course, the human with the hazel eyes. The human who made Magnus want to have legs instead of a fish tail. “I do not judge you for what you want to do if it is indeed about this human boy. Please just tell me why you want to visit the sea witch.”

Ragnors white fish tail shimmered under the sunset above the water. His eyes as green as the seagrass. “I assume I cannot hide my plan. Tell me how did you find out?” “I watched you swimming towards the direction of his residence. He is the only one living that far away and in that direction.” Magnus turned his head to the direction, closing his eyes for a moment to collect his thoughts. He had to think about what he was going to say next, what he was answering to his brother next.

Malec - the little Mermaid AUOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora