Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

{Lucy P.O.V.}

15 minutes later, I was sitting on the couch with Jackson watching a movie and having to act all couple like.

“Why is HE here?” Scott said as we walked in the room.

“He is my boyfriend, does that explain it?” I answered.

Scott shook his head and sat down. A few seconds later, Stiles walked in. I knew the plan was about to really begin. I looked out of the corner of my eye and saw Jackson’s phone in his pocket then I looked over at Stiles who subtly nodded his head signaling me to do it.

“Hey baby, can I see your phone for a second? I want to look at my reflection.” I whispered to him.

“Just use yours.” He said in an irritated tone.

“I left it upstairs.” I said back.

“Fine.” He mumbled while getting his iPhone out of his pocket and handing it to me.

I pretended to check my reflection then I sat his phone down on the table in front of us.

Everyone was silent and had their attention turned on the movie when I decided it was time to end this with Jackson. I grabbed his hand then led him up the stairs into my room.

“What are you doing?” He asked suspiciously.

“Nothing, I just wanted some alone time with my boyfriend.” I replied back in a false sweet tone.

“I don’t know what’s gotten into you, but I like it.” He said while initiating a kiss.

I kissed him back and we started a full on make- out session. This was the last thing I wanted to be doing but I knew I had to stall him while Stiles did his part downstairs.

{Stiles P.O.V.}

I saw Lucy get up and pull Jackson upstairs to her bedroom, I knew this was my chance to erase all of the evidence off of his phone. Jackson is really, really stupid. No normal person wants to randomly check their reflection during a movie. But luckily, he didn’t notice that he left his phone sitting on the table.

Once I heard Lucy’s door shut I got up from my chair and grabbed his phone. I typed in the passcode Lucy gave me for his phone, and it unlocked.

“What are you doing?” Scott asked.

“Go away!” I told him while searching through his phone for the pictures file.

I finally found it. I quickly saw the picture of Lucy and I making out and deleted it. Just as I hit delete, I heard Lucy’s door open. I locked his phone back and quickly returned to my chair as if nothing happened.

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