Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

{Lucy P.O.V.}

Scott and Stiles ended up leaving to “take care of business.” Whatever the hell that means.

So now I’m stuck here with Jen. Not that I’m saying that in a bad way.

“Do you want to hang out tonight?” Jen asked.

“I wish we could, but Scott and Stiles are having a party and they are forcing me to help.” I immediately regretted mentioning the party part, since Stiles didn’t want her there.

“A party? Can I come?” Jen asked.

“I guess, you’ll have to lay low though.” I answered.

“Last time I checked, the parties around here get insane so I don’t think I’ll have a problem hiding.”

{Scott P.O.V.}

“So, do you know who sent Lucy those flowers?” I randomly asked while we walked through the woods towards the old Hale house.

Stiles cleared his throat and I noticed his heartbeat quickened after I asked that.

“Nope. Not a clue.” He said.

“Are you sure? Because your heart started racing when I asked that.” I asked suspiciously.

“I thought I saw a s-snake.” He lied. I knew he was lying because it was there were never snakes in this forest.

I shrugged it off seeing as we were nearing the Hale house where we assumed Derek was.

“Are you sure this is safe? It is the full moon tonight and all…” Stiles said while eyeing the house.

“Yeah, I just want to talk to him. Nothing bad is going to happen.” I said.

I opened the door and flinched as it creaked. We walked into the house and it was so silent it was almost deafening.

“Derek? I know you’re here, I need to talk to you.” I said.

Stiles hit my shoulder while pointing to a figure coming out of the darkness towards us.

“Derek..” I said.

“You’re not having that party tonight.” Derek said.

“Do you have to ruin all of our fun?” Stiles said.

Derek shot him a glare then said, “Tonight is the full moon, anything could make you shift and expose us all.”

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