▪ TWENTYTWO : Bloody

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Hoshi POV

  I continue forcing myself to stay awake as I watch the two of them fighting with each other. While they're too focused, my eyes caught the sight of the other woman slowly walking toward my direction.

  I slowly stand up, trying to run away but my legs just seems to not working on the very good timing.

  The woman stand infront of me, taking out a knife and hold it upwards, ready to thrust it anytime.

  "H-Help..." I cried out automatically as the woman move her hand, thrusting the knife.

  I shut my eyes as a reflex, waiting for the pain to come through. After a few seconds, I realise that nothing happen and decided to open my eyes greeted by the view of someone back.

  The bike person slowly fall onto me, making both of us falling to the ground. That person head fall onto my lap as I look at his/her body, noticing the bloody wound on the abdomen area.

N-No way... Why would this person shield for me...

  I quickly put my hands around the wound, trying to reduce the blood that gushing out from it.

  My views now changed toward the face of the person, breathing heavily but still conscious. The sudden feeling of curious hit me, making me inspecting the face feature that could only seen on the helmet visor, untill I notice one thing.

T-This person is... A woman! Her!

  The colour both of her eyes are different, a black and a greenish coloured could be seen. I slowly move one of my hands from her body, towards the helmet on her head.

As my hands touch the helmet, a sudden stings from my thigh make me pull it back, and before I knew it, everything went dark.

Hana POV

  His hand slowly moving towards my head, probably curious about who I am without me noticing that the contact lens on my eyes were gone.

  I slowly force my hand to move inside my pocket, trying to ignore the feeling of the pain that making my whole body numb

  As his hand reach the helmet on my head, I quickly prick the needle onto his thigh and push the syringe, making him immediately fall into a deep sleep.

N-Now what s-should I do...

  I look at both of them that looking at us like a drama. The girl or woman that swing the knife is standing still while holding the bloody knife on her hand.

S-She... Now I know why she's with her..

  Unexpectedly, there's a sudden loud police siren near the area, making them panic while looking at each other.

  "Tch, you're a lucky one. Whoever you are, don't forget that I will come and find you. Lets go," she pull out the other girl arms, making her dropped the knife on the ground.

  They look at it but decided to ignore and run away as the sound of the siren getting nearer.


  "H-Hana... HANA!" His tall figure getting out from the car, rushing towards us.

  "Oh gosh.. What should I do... What should I do..." He panicked while tears running down from his eyes, touching the bloody wound as I winched to the feeling of pain.

  "M-Mian.. Don't cry..." I forced my voice out, trying to comfort him.

  "D-Dont talk!" He carefully lift my body up, putting me on the back seat of his car before pulling off the helmet from my head, revealing my messy hair that wet from the sweats.

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