4th Case: The Executor

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The hooded man stand in the dark, dialing the 112 number nervously using the home phone.

"112 report center, what's your emergency?" The female officer voice can be heard through the line.

"This is Hyungjoo,.....73.... Yeocheon-ri," The hooded man said while stuttering in fear.

"Yes, what's the matter?"

"People are in danger here...Please help.." His breath hitched.

"Please calm down, and tell me what's going on," The woman tried to calm him down as he sound scared.

"H-he said..the couple in this house has too much.."

"Pardon? what is it that they have so much?"

"Money..nice house.. imported car...luxury furniture..." he continue to watch around him while speaking.

"Could you please calm down, and repeat it one more time?" the officer ask him because of his strange answer.

"Please hurry up...He'll begin soon, T-there's no time.. Please," He continue begging in fear.

Suddenly the sound of the phone dropped and the line is quiet for a few second until a different deeper voice talk into the phone,

"Hello? Hello?" The officer worriedly  called out.

"I'll tell you what you're worried about, now the executor will kill the owner of this house..."

He left the phone hanging on the table and walk away.

"Did you just say you're going to kill someone?hello? hello?"

The silence soon followed by the high pitched scream of a woman.

Present time

Hoshi POV

We walk into the mansion after coming back from school, seeing that the hyung car are parked in the mansion.

"The hyungs are here at their work hour, we must have a case. Lets go," I said to them and we quickly get into the mansion to the office.

The three of them are already waiting for us, sitting at their own place. All of us walk in and sit on our usual seat.

"All of you are here, let's begin then." Scoups hyung walk to the front.

"The victims are 34 years old investment company CEO, Yoon Sung Jin, and his wife 32 years old, Lee Mi Hyun. They were murdered in their house in Hyungjoo about an hour ago," Scoups hyung starts the briefing.

"An hour ago?" DK asked, shocked as it just recently happen.

"Yes. The police arrive 5 minutes after they were murdered," Jeonghan hyung read the information on the paper.

What? 5 minutes?

"Who reported it so fast?" Woozi asked the question that exactly on my mind.

"The killers called the police and said that they'll kill them soon,"

"Killers? Does that mean there's an accomplice?" Seungkwan ask.

"Yes. The first reporter asked for help in a terrified voice but then, the other man took the phone and said that he'll kill all the sinners in that house," Joshua hyung explain.


"Also, when the police arrived at the scene, they found this on the bed," Scoups hyung turn around, turning on the projector showing the photo of bloody paper and a photo.

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