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Third person POV

The emotionless man, with a big eagle tattoo on his left arm knock the door before walking into the spacious and dark office room. Eventhough its big, but nothing was placed there to fill up the space.

Every window are closed by a black curtain,making the big office room darker, only occupied by one dim light light that shined directly on top of a table.

There, a rough faced man with a thunderbolt tatoo on his forehead sitting on his big wooden chair, closing his eyes.

"So, its them again, Aetos Dios?" The thunderbolt tattooed man said without opening his eyes, knowing the man that get into the room without even looking.

A/N: Aestos dios means the eagle of Zeus. I will shorten his name as only Aetos.

"Yes Master Zeus, it was that kids again that ruined your arts, Seventeen precisely," the man called Aetos Dios kneeled and immediately reply.

"What about Hades?" He ask, showing some interest.

"It seems like he didn't take a major part this time," He replied.

"Thats good. Ask mesperyian to fetch him here later. Its been a long time since I saw him," He instruct the man.

Before he can reply, his sharp instinct that come from experience suddenly distracted toward one of the big pillar, few meters from the table.

"Who's there!" He immediately stand in a defense form, covering his Master.

From one of the pillar, a long haired highschool girl slowly walk out with her head hung low, showing her figure to the man.

"Aetos, its okay. I'm the one who called her here," Zeus assured his man with his calm, closed eyes posture.

"I'm sorry Master, but what did you call her for? Can we trust outsider?" He ask after kneeling again, worried about the unknown girl.

"Her job is easy, make sure they didn't interfere ever again. We need to give them a warning. Her target is the smartest in Seventeen. Easy right?" he instructed, but the girl eyes still glued to the floor, already heard her job beforehand.

"What was his name again, Aetos? I don't remember well a small fly name," He ask with his sinister voice.

"Its Kwon Soonyoung, Master," Aetos answer the question politely, knowing his master frightening true side.

"Kwon? That brings back memories huh. Kwon Soonyoung, I will remember his name well. Do whatever you like with him," He open his eyes, showing his dark black pupil, and he creepily grinning, showing his excitement.


Hana POV

I open the class door and walk in. My eyes wandering around the class, looking for other figure but there's nobody here.

Huh, I came early again today.

Yesterday was a hectic day but we still come to school since none of us, the students, are badly injured.

We received call early in the morning, informed that Jeonghan hyung already woken up but he need to stay at the hospital for a few more days.

The other must still tired from it. When I left the mansion they still busy waking each others up .

I put my bag and sit on the chair, laying my head on the table, decided to take a short nap while waiting for the time to pass by.

When I finally falling into the dreamland, I jolted up by a sudden loud bang on the door. I raise my head up, looking at the closed class door.

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