1st case : Bank Robbery

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  Hana pov

   I walk out from the Seoul Highschool gate and headed to a small alley, taking a familiar shortcut that I always use when I was younger.

  The alley was so quiet and the sky start getting darker and darker every minutes that passed. I fasten my steps, walking nervously with a sudden bad feelings.

  "V are you there?" I slowly call for him, the one that always keep me safe.

   Without a sound, he came out from the nearest building hurriedly approaching me.

   "I'm here Hana. Whats wrong? Did you feel sick or anything?" He questioned me with a worried face.

  I sigh, feeling relieved that he didn't left me alone.

  "No, nothing wrong. I just want to make sure that you're still there, don't be too worry," I smile, triying to reassure him.

  "Haishh, I've said it many time that I won't leave you. Your safety is my own safety. Thats my vow for my life. So don't worry okay?" He put his hand on my shoulder, looking straight into my eyes with his sweet rectangle smile.

  "Oh yeah we'll headed to the bank for a while. I need to take some money to buy sleeping pills," I inform him, continue walking through the alley.

  "Arasseo, let's go," He then disappeared into the same building, following me from the dark.

  When we reach the bank, I immediately rush to the nearest toilet, finishing my urgent bussiness. The moment I walk out from the door, his face caught my attention, getting out from the men bathroom next door, The guy with 10:10 eyes, Hoshi .

"Oh you're the new transfer student right?" He ask, noticing me that quietly standing infront of the door.

"Why did you ask if already know the answer?" I question him back testing his patience.

  "I, I just—"

  His sentence cutted off with a sudden loud bang, followed by the crowd screaming in fear. Both of us closed our eyes and ears, responding to the sudden loud sound, looking at each other with a confused face.

 "It's sound like gunshots," He claimed, looking at me with a serious face.

  I think so...

  We face each other, nodding and both of us slowly walk toward themain hall quietly, without making any sound. The crowd were all on the ground, holding hand together and some of them starts crying, scaredly looking at the man that pointing a gun at a random person.

  "What a bad luck. It's a bank robbery," I sigh, totally not expected the situation after just a few day returning to Korea.

  What a troublesome...

  "There's about 1..2..3..4..5.. Yeah there's 5 robber. And it seems like all of them have a gun," He quietly counting all of them from afar.
   All the robbers were wearing the same outfit a ski mask, black jacket and black pants, with each of them holding a gun. Then, one of the robber make their moves, starting to screaming to the crowd.

  "CLOSE ALL DOORS AND SHUTTERS . EVERYBODY GATHER AT ONE PLACE AND PUT ALL THE MONEY AND YOUR HANDPHONE IN THE BAG!" They start to walk around with a bag and threatening people with gun.


"Stay close with someone that you came with or someone that you know? Why?" I stare at him, mumbling to himself with a curious face.

  "Lets hide first before they see us, " I said, dragging him into the woman bathroom for safety.

"But the kids are still outside," He hesitate for a moment, with a worried expression all over his face.

  It must be the other 9 kids of Seventeen since 3 of them should be working right now based on the information from chief. But we can't waste time here...

  "Who?" I ask, pretending that I don't know after succeed bringing him inside the empty bathroom.

  "My brothers, we're here to take money for dinner," I look at him, his eyes wandering around nervously while texting someone on his phone.

Can I really depend on this boy as that old man said?

  "I already inform my hyung. He's a police detective. They should arrive about 3 to 4 minutes later," He said it while showing the text message on his phone to the contact named Seungcheol hyung ♡.


Bzz, the vibration make the man take his phone out, opening the text messages that he just receive.

"WHAT!?" He gasp and quickly pressed his first speed dial right after reading it.


  He hang up after it, standing up, slamming his hand on the table to gain the other attention.

"CALL THE SPECIAL FORCE TEAM RIGHT NOW AND MOVE TO SEOUL BANK IMMEDIATELY. THERE'S A BANK ROBBERY, " Choi Seungcheol command his team and quickly ran out from his office.

HI readers🙋. Could you please kindly comment about this fanfic? and i will probably continue writing next night so wait for it ><

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