Part 31

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"Bridge," said the security team leader, "can you trace where the beacon is going to?"

After a few seconds a rascally voice spoke out of the security chief's communicator, 'It be going towards the planet of the Dark Lord.'

Sid and Alf looked at each other.

"Let's take them all to the captain," blustered the security pirate.

"That's strange," whispered Alf to Sid, "they sound like 17th century pirates. I wonder why?"

"Mebbe it's 'cos they're into pirate films. I'm sure that one's dressed like Captain Jack Sparrow!" Sid replied.

They were all led upstairs and along some corridors into the captain's quarters.

The captain's meeting room was a strange mix of 17th pirate memorabilia and futuristic science fiction weaponry. The captain had a three cornered hat and an eye patch. He wore ablative laser resistant body armour and had a power sword strapped to his side. On his feet he wore knee length, turned over boots.

"Arr there, what be ye doing in this area? This is where we raid container ships and the like," said the captain.

"We were just trying to take our friends home," said Spendo.

"There are no inhabitable planets near here," said the captain.

"We live in a meteor field," said Biggs.

"That be a funny place to live. Why do you live there?"

"We live there because we are part of the rebel forces fighting against Lord D'ark," said Biggs.

"I hate goody-two-shoes. So you think you're better than us do you? High and mighty morals.

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