・゚✧ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞: 𝘕𝘰 𝘪𝘥𝘦𝘢

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I sat upon my bed with the half empty vial in my hands, confusion lingering my features. How did this appear in the closet? Did someone else before me own it? All these questions surpassed my mind, not finding a clear enough answer that could satisfy the curiosity within. A knock on the door was enough to pull me back into reality, placing the vial on the bed and going to answer the door.

Christopher, Richard, Zabdiel and Erick stood on the other side, all of them stumbling into the bedroom and taking a seat on whatever they could find. Going to sit between them all, I went to collect the vial and hold it up for the rest of them. "That's what you just found in your closet, right?" Christopher sat with his hands supporting his face, squinting his eyes at the vial. With his failing sight, no one could trust for him to even see that the vial in my hands was half empty. Richard scratched the back of his neck, furrowing his eyebrows. "And you're sure that no one else could own it?" I shook my head. "It wasn't there last night and I know because I placed those exact shoes there last night." The boys threw each other glances, Zabdiel clearing his throat. "Taking into consideration that Joel doesn't remember anything from the night he supposedly . . . cheated on Hanae and the bottle suddenly appearing –– I think we should have it sent in for some fingerprints or something. It could clear things up of what happened that night and if that bottle has anything to do with it." I noticed the boys nodding to what Zabdiel was saying.

I would lie if I said I didn't have the slightest suspicions that this liquid had anything to do with my memories being gone, but it felt nice to have my thoughts spoken up by someone else. We all agreed to keep this away from Renato, knowing that this secret was better to stay between the five of us. "I'll make sure to send it." Richard said, going into the bathroom and collecting one of the clear zip bags, putting the vial inside and tucking it into his pocket. "Don't worry, brother. We'll clear things up with Hanae . . ." He patted my shoulder, only earning a nod from me. Christopher got up from the floor, clapping his hands together. "So . . . who's up for some Mario Kart?"


The only thing I could hear at that moment were the faint screams from Kat, towering above me with flying arms all over the place. Esme was keeping a supportive arm around my shoulders, head resting against her shoulder. "I knew he was something else, damn it! I should've cut off his balls the second we were in Puerto Rico, that son of a . . ." "THAT'S ENOUGH!" I screamed, almost pushing Esme away from me as I stood up to look at Kat with swollen eyes. The last thing I needed at this moment, was for my best friend to talk negatively about my EX BOYFRIEND, no matter how much he deserved it.

She looked at me, arms crossed over her chest and expression rather fuming. Sighing, I placed a hand against my forehead. "This is the last thing I need right now, Kat. I don't want to listen or talk about him at this moment. I don't want to know anything about him and it doesn't help that you're standing there like a crazy person, talking shit about him. Yes, he's a dick and he deserves everything you have to say. But not right now, please." Esme and Kat exchanged looks, both of them being on different sides in this situation.

It had been 3 days since I arrived from Argentina and those days had literally been a living hell. Esme had been staying over, making sure that I was living and had everything I needed during this hard time. Kat had been unaware of the entire situation till today, believing that Joel and I had simply decided to have some days for ourselves. I sat down, feeling my eyes begin to tear up again by the thought of Joel. God, I was so pathetic! Why are you wasting tears on a man who broke you apart? "I can't believe Richard didn't say anything, that piece of crap." My head shot up to look at Esme, the both of us looking rather confused. "Why would he even tell you? You don't talk . . ." Kat remained rolling her eyes, pinching the bridge of her nose. A wave of realization hit us both: the mark on her collar bone, the smell of cologne . . . "Oh my god!" For the first time in a long time, I laughed. Esme seemed confused at first, probably thinking I was having a nervous breakdown. "How did we not notice?!" "What exactly?" I rolled my eyes at Esme, placing another hand on my forehead. "That Kat and Richard have something going on!"

She turned to look at Kat with a gaping look, eyes widened at the realization. "Oh shit, and you didn't tell us?!" Kat waved her hand, going to sit down on the stool. "It's nothing, god you both are horrible! We have nothing going on, just whenever we feel like it." I moved closer to her, raising my eyebrow at her and for once feeling like I was returning to my normal self, even if it lasted for only a few minutes. "You mean you're friends with benefits?" She shrugged her shoulders, simply causing me to turn towards Esme. "We should've seen it coming. He's her type." Esme only nodded, getting up from her spot and going into the kitchen. "Do you feel any better now?" Kat furrowed her eyebrows, causing me to once again start thinking about Joel. I pressed my eyes together, sighing deeply before turning to answer her. "I can't stop thinking about him, Kat. He was . . . is the love of my life and the father of my daughter. One way or another we'll always be connected. And it hurts to know that he did something like this!"

She moved to sit closer, taking hold of my hands. "Boys are pigs, I've told you. But I really thought Joel was different . . . though I didn't like him so much after the first heartbreak he put you through. Even less now!" I gave her a look, her hands moving up in surrender. "What hurts the most is the fact that he did it with her! Red flags should've gone up after that phone call, but I was so oblivious to everything." "I don't blame you." She began saying, pursing her lips together. "You loved Joel with everything you had and he lit it up on fire." "Don't . . ." She pressed her lips together, as if saying sorry with her eyes. That brought a small smile to my features, suddenly being reminded of my princess. "How's Jennah?" Kat smiled, putting her hands together. "She's amazing, such an angel child. Yoandri told me that Joel called the other day and they both talked. He didn't tell me more, other than Joel looking like complete shit." Somehow that brought a sad look to quickly dissolve in my eyes. Joel was sad over our breakup, which meant that he still loved me . . . but did I ever doubt that?

PUBLISHED: February 12th 2018

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PUBLISHED: February 12th 2018

WORD COUNT: 1268 words

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐖𝐀𝐘 𝐈 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐃 𝐘𝐎𝐔 | 𝘑𝘰𝘦𝘭 𝘗𝘪𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘭Where stories live. Discover now