Chapter 37:Sakura

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Sorry for the wait! I'm in love with the song on the side and felt it went well with this chapter. Don't forget to vote and comment! I think all of you are super amazing and I haven't thanked you all enough for everything! I'm graduating this week so again, it may be a long wait for another update, sorry! >.<


My eyes fluttered open when I realized I was in a meadow. It was peaceful, complete with a large Sakura tree and the perfect spring atmosphere.

I sat up and wondered how I got here.

"How else you dumb b*tch." Inner sneered.

"What's with you?" I questioned.

"What's with me? What's with you! You lost. You're a failure, and yet you believe you have the right to live? Ha. You barely survived. If there was a way I could I die, I would, it'd mean getting away from a disgrace like you."

"I'm not a disgrace." I said strongly.

"You know what? You're right. You're much worse. You deserve to die. I bet no one would care."

"You're wrong. Lots of people would care." I continued in a normal voice. If I've learned anything when confronting someone, you don't show the slightest bit of weakness.

"You mean Samantha? She'd be glad. Not having to worry about a weakling like you. Itachi? Ha. He only was there because of Samantha, you're nothing to him. Those people who you thought cared for you so much? In Konoha? You've probably been replaced already. Who else would look for you when you've been all over the place. They were focused on Sasuke. Not you."

"I am a Haruno. Strong, Stubborn, and-" Inner cut me off.

"Stupid. You cause bloodshed where ever you go. People go to protect you because of your incapability of being strong. You knew deep down, your strength was nothing. It was a cover. To hide your insecurities. Your fear."

Inner's words cut me like a knife.

"I am strong. How else would  I have got through everything that's happened." I countered, feeling like I could do this. I could prove I was strong. Useless Sakura was no, is non-existent.

"If you were strong you would've went after Sasuke as soon as you heard the news, you still felt for him but instead you made attachments. You wandered and thought about things. You let yourself be caught and let your blood spill instead of making your enemy's blood cover the area." Inner responded.

"Everyone you've ever known hated you. You were the weakest link, even now, when you think you're stronger than Naruto or Sasuke or even the other Academy kids, you're wrong. They're strong enough to know without any doubt they can take a life if needed.While you held back unconciously and didn't kill your enemy. They'd be ashamed of you. Even Tsunade. She'd wonder what was the use of your mother protecting you. It was a waste."

"Shut up! You don't know anything. I am more than capable of doing just that! My mother's sacrifice was most definitely not a waste, so don't you dare say that again." I yelled.

"Clearly it was. And don't you get it Sakura? I am you, you are me. Basically, I'm what you've been thinking deep down for the past 14 years."

I was speechless. No, those thoughts weren't mine. It was just a demon. It wanted me to fail. To not be strong. To die. The thoughts it had were definitely not mine.

"Wrong again dear Sakura. You have always been weak and useless. You just realized it unconciously, bringing this conversation up. Konoha doesn't need you. Samantha and Itachi don't need you. No one needs you. You'd be saving oxygen by not breathing ever again, but that's probably the only good you can do."

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