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I opened my eyes and saw I was in a plain room.

I felt something cold drip down from my forehead and reached for the source of the water.

I felt an.. Ice-pack?

I sat up abruptly and was pushed back down gently.

A guy who looked about 20-ish with a Sharingan was staring intently at me.

Is this is a dream?

If it was my imagination must've been running out of ideas.

"Who are you?" I finally managed to ask.

My throat burned, as if I hadn't talked in forever.

"Itachi." He replied smoothly.

My eyes widened just the tiniest fraction before I masked my surprise.

And Fear.

I was alone in a room, with Itachi Uchiha, an S rank criminal who slaughtered his own clan and is brother to Sasuke.

I'm screwed.

"Since you're Itachi wouldn't you have already put me in a genjutsu?" I inquired calmly.

"You could've already been in one and wouldn't have known." Itachi pointed out.

"Believe me I would've known." I answered.

Itachi seemed like he didn't believe my answer so I just ignored him.

I swung my legs over the bed and stood up.

Then immediately sat back down.

I gritted my teeth, trying not to show my pain.

How the heck did I get this hurt?

Oh wait, never mind.

Stupid snake.

I stood up again and walked a few steps before collapsing onto the floor, panting heavily.

"You shouldn't be up." A familiar voice informed.

"Hello." I said indifferently.

I felt a gut-wrenching pain in my stomach but ignored it.

I stood up and faced Samantha.

"Thanks for saving my life." I murmured.

"Can't have you die on me, it'd just ruin the Haruno name." Samantha said gruffly.

I nodded in understanding before grasping my shoulder.

"Ah!" I screamed.

"How ya feelin'?" Samantha said while looking at my shoulder.

"Just peachy." I growled.

"Whew! Thought you'd need me to heal you or something." Samantha said in relief.

I coughed to hide my laughter.

"What? I can heal." Samantha defended.

"Sure you can." Itachi patted her shoulder.

"Whatever weasel." Samantha snarled.

Itachi backed up a few steps

I almost smiled at his caution but winced when I felt the searing pain become stronger.

I looked to where my kunai pouch was for some painkillers but I didn't have it.

I looked around the room and saw nothing.. That could help me escape if needed.

I furrowed my brow when Samantha interrupted my thoughts.

"We confiscated it since you won't be needing it here." She said simply.

"Where exactly is 'here'?" I questioned, sitting on top of the bed.

"You can find that out after you get changed." Itachi noted, looking at my torn, dirty kimono.

There were some light reddish spots on there so I think maybe.. Blood used to be on there?

I nodded and stood up.

My eyes squinted a bit because of the pain but I held it in.

I drew a chakra filled hand but pulled it back when a kunai shot straight for it.

The kunai landed with a 'Thunk!' into the wall.

"What was that for? I was just going to heal myself!" I snapped.

"Can't take chances." Itachi smirked.

"So you just got to deal with it." Samantha finished, chuckling a bit at the end.

I mustered up the strongest death glare I could and aimed it at both of them,

They must've thought my attempt was so f*ckin' funny they tried to hide their laughs.

Just great, they don't even take me seriously.

I grumbled incoherent words to myself as Itachi was shooed out of the room.

Samantha crossed the room and snatched my headband and threw it in the corner.

"You won't be needing that here." She stated before I could even say anything.

I slumped in defeat as she laughed at my expression.

"Don't look so down." Samantha joked as she ruffled my hair.

I scrunched up my nose in disgust.

I hated it when she did that.

"And that's why I'll keep doing it." Samantha grinned.

Oh crap, I said that aloud didn't I?


I sighed heavily as my rosy bangs fluttered onto my forehead and framed my face.

I took a hair-tie from my wrist and tied my hair up in a half up half down type of way.

Since I didn't have anything to pull back my bangs, I just left them there.

Samantha handed me a shirt from one of the nearby cabinets.

I took offf my kimono and slipped on the shirt.

It was a long-sleeved button up white shirt that went past the black spandex shorts Samantha gave me.

The cuffs went a bit past my wrists but I didn't mind.

I felt littler in this outfit.


I shrugged off the feeling and slipped on a pair white socks.

"We'll find something better for you soon but this is all we have close to your size." Samantha mumbled.

"We?" I echoed.

Samantha didn't answer.

We could mean Itachi and her but that also implies there's more than just them here..


Samantha opened the door, cutting off my thoughts.

"Huh?" I said.

"Well since you don't look like you're dying might as well give you a tour of 'here' so I don't have to find you when you get lost." Samantha stated clearly.

"Okay." I nodded slightly.

Samantha lead the way while I closed the door behind me.

'Here' couldn't be that bad.. Could it?

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