Ch. 6: Sakura

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I stopped in front of my house when I heard a crash inside.

My regular thoughts were to run inside when my ninja instincts stopped me.

'Do you even know what your doing?

Do you know anyone crazy enough to kill some-one in broad daylight?

Nope, So why don't you hear information that has to be heard.'

I want to help my mother, she's all I have left, but I can't let my emotions cloud my judgement.

I hop into the backyard when I hear voices talking in the living room. I hide in the shadows.

"Listen, you filthy peasant, its either you or the girl." A boy with grey hair and glasses stated impatiently.

"Like I'd ever let her go with you people!" My mother's voice spat.

"Well, looks like we'll have to do this the hard way. Its too bad, secrets of both of your clans will be lost forever." Another voice said.

It gave me the chills..

It was slithery..

Like snakes..

What did he mean by both?

Last time I checked, neither of my parents were from a clan and neither was I.

"What a waste, such talent you both have. Tell me does the girl know any of her real heritage or power?" The snake-like voice spoke.

"No." My mom muttered.

What the f*ck was this guy talking about? Was he high or something?

"You do realize if you're are lying to my Lord, we will capture her anyways." The glasses boy reminded.

"I swear on my husband's grave. And she does not possess the traits you are looking for. She's quite useless in fact." My mother's voice rang out.

"Oh dear that's not even close. She could and would've killed me if I harmed that Uchiha boy in the Forest of Death. Aren't I glad I marked him afterwards."  I could hear his voice smirking.

"Well if I even known she had possesed the trait, she would've come to me straight away for help in training it and so on." My mom called out smoothly.

I knew that tone. My mom was lying.

"The boy with glasses grinned evilly as he pulled out kunai.

"Were you going to consider telling us the full story, or would you rather take your secrets with you?" The boy with the glasses questioned.

"All I'm going to say, is, Stars cannot shine without darkness." She simply stated.

I heard the sound of a kunai hitting its target.

And then, Silence.

I walked into the room half-expecting to see resistance and blood everywhere. But no.

I saw my Mother with a kunai straight through her heart.

I let a lone tear fall.

I crouched near her body which was slumped against a wall.

"Why did you leave me Mom? Now I'm all alone." I whispered.

My mom's life was close to the end. There was no point in trying. Her heart was thumping unevenly.

Just as my mother said when I tried to heal a man with a worsening heart condition. 

" Sometimes, the best thing we can do, is nothing." She stated solemnly.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Positive. And Sakura."

"Huh?" I wondered.

"If I ever was in that situation, just let me go." She replied.

"Mom don't say that!" I exclaimed.

"Just preparing for the future." She smiled.

"Okay.." I frown.

I heard the door slam.

"Dad's home!" I yelled.

My mom laughed loudly.

I could almost hear it now.

Her laugh.

I looked at the kunai embedded in her.

It had the same markings as the one I was hit with.

I felt my eyes widen.


I sighed between the tears that fell endlessly.

I am now all alone.

More than I have ever been in my entire life.

I put my mother's cold arm around my shoulders and supported her.

It started raining outside as I walked to the forest, uncaring of the stares.

"I have failed her. I was useless. She died for nothing, I don't deserve to live." I sobbed.

I wiped my tears and looked up to the sky. 

"A ninja has a heart of stone and is as cold as a rock. So why do I feel this pain? Why?" I questioned loudly.

 I sat underneath the sorrowful looking willow  tree.

It seemed as if the world was crying with me.

I looked at my mother with tears sliding down my face.

My family has been taken away from me.

I have nothing now.

I snuggled against my mom's cold body.

I buried my face in her clothes.

"If you're watching me mom, I want you to know, I love you." I cried.

I leaned in closer, my head in her lap while she was sitting up against the tree. 

"I love you." I whispered.

The sky became blurry when her heart gave out its final beat.

I fell into the darkness once again.

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