Chapter 52: Sakura

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I fiddled with my newly chopped bubblegum locks as I stood, facing the hospital. I took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. My three days of waiting were up, and it was time for me to get back to work.

I smoothed out the cobalt scrubs I had on and straightened my white coat. I wasn't up for changing into them in the locker room, so I wore them to work. Today, I'd be a simple nurse, filing paperwork and doing odd jobs. Still, I felt the need to wear my white lab coat, signifying that indeed I was a doctor. It felt nice to have it on, gave me some much needed confidence.

Usually, I'd diagnose and treat patients, turfing them to surgery when necessary. I wasn't a huge fan of performing surgery and the medical aspect of the hospital was always understaffed anyways. The surgical program always had the most applicants, oddly enough.

Quickly, I brushed my hair back once again as the wind blew it forward, in my face. Sighing at my own stalling and the futility of my bangs staying in place, I strode into the glass double doors and was met by the usual chaos. The scent of disinfectant filled my nostrils as I surveyed the scene.

Stacks upon stacks of paperwork and files were towering at the front desk, receptionists offering apologetic smiles to anyone needing their assistance. Out of the corner of my eye I saw the gift shop had been renovated, billowing with children's toys and flowers. It made me smile slightly. The shop used to be bare, save for blankets and small trinkets. It was nice that it had transformed.

Turning back to the women at the desk I offered them both smiles before I spoke.

"Hi, I'm Dr. Sakura Haruno. I was wondering what shift I'd have available today, and if you ladies need any help." I finished, almost laughing that the fact my title includes doctor. A medical nin has its perks and privileges. Usually, in other villages, medical nin are reserved for battle and missions, not allowed to serve in hospitals. In Konoha, it's entirely different. Here, I've got authority.

"Well we can't have a doctor helping us, we can manage the paperwork. You should be saving lives." The blonde replied, not looking up from her screen as she pulled various records. The other woman turned to me and mouthed 'help'. It made my lips tilt upward slightly.

"Badge?" The blonde continued. I nodded and unclipped my badge from my coat, handing it to her as I quickly admired how young I'd been when my photo was taken for it. Granted, I was around 17 for it. Time seemed unreal, in the sense that so much has passed. She scanned it and began to read from the computer.

"Your shift is from 8 am to 8 pm, we're understaffed again so you've got a long one, sorry." She paused, gauging my reaction before continuing.

"However you've been demoted to charting, paperwork, and nursing. By nursing I mean odd jobs the nurses need done. So that means no diagnosing, treating, or performing surgeries. No gathering patient histories. You've got an easier day, enjoy it." The blonde finished softly with a smile. She handed off my badge to the red head next to her. The woman stamped my badge with a blue seal, letting everyone know that I am not fit for my usual duties.

Immediately, I grabbed both stacks of paperwork from them as well as the patient charts that needed to be filled in. They both wanted to protest but knew the help was well needed. Hands full, I walked briskly into the opening elevator, surprised to see it empty for once. As it shut and hummed softly, I closed my eyes. All of this was just busy work to keep my mind occupied. So I wouldn't have to think. Kami knows what I would do if I was left alone with my thoughts.

Suppressing any negative memory that could possibly replay, I stepped out of the elevator onto the third floor. The beige walls of the hospital comforted me slightly as I sat in the attending's lounge, and started the first of the many patient charts. Shrugging off my doctor's coat onto the back of my chair, I sat, removing the badge and placing it onto my scrubs. A yawn escaped my lips as I began stretching slightly before focusing on my work. My eyes scanned numerous ones to update, darting to the most critical patients first. They'd need their charts updated and completed first. After getting in the rhythm of nonstop writing and reading, I exhaled quietly. It was silent in the room except for my own recurring, quiet breathing. I sat back and assessed the current situation.

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