Ch. 17: Sakura

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The song has to do with the Hokage and Orochimaru :)


I rubbed my temples.

Its been exactly 5 minues since a guy faked being Naruto and now the grass ninja from before is here with a freaking giant as* snake.


The grass ninja turned to me after thoroughly beating Sasuke to a pulp.

This ninja was nothing to be afraid of.

His attacks were easy to read.

I'd avoided a genjutsu cast and had to snap Sasuke out of it before so it can't be that he's so amazing.

The only thing impressive about him was he had the giant snake.

"Can you leave us alone now? I'm already pissed off 'cause of the random ninja who attacked us before so if you could kindly leave and take a scroll from a less pissed off team, I'd gladly appreciate it." I called out, diverting his attention from Sasuke to me.

I heard the sound of screaming in the distance.

Looks like he found a snake too.

"Haruno Sakura, my you've grown since the time I last saw you." He noted eyeing my appearance.

"What the hell do you mean? I don't even know you!" I shouted.

Damn it, I was letting him get to me.

"Haven't you ever wondered why Samantha had the weird mark on her wrist? How she'd always come home not saying a word to anyone? How whenever she got mad you'd see marks everywhere little Sakura?" He prompted.

"Shut the f*ck up you creeper!" I yelled.

He ignored me and continued.

"She even scared you Sakura. You'd ask her what's wrong and she'd hurt you. Sometimes there was even blood." He taunted.

"Stop it!" I screamed.

"She'd have this weird look in her eyes. Remember the day she came back home covered in blood? She said she was on a mission, and that your aunt and uncle died. The ones who she loved even more than her parents. They just dropped dead." He whispered.

I pulled my hair.

"Be quiet!" I shrieked.

"You were so confused and thought it could've been her. It was. Remember how she said that one time if you got near her she'd kill you? Remember when she broke your arm and you had to lie to your Mother and Father that you 'fell'? It was all my doing. I put a curse on her since she wanted to be stronger so she was loyal to me. She killed many mercilessly, enjoying every minute of it. Of course, her love for you was a bit stronger so every time Samantha hurt you, she apologized so many times it made me feel sick. I ordered her to kill you you know."

My eyes widened at the last sentence.

He what/!?!

"But instead when on a mission for the leaf, she let herself get killed so she didn't have to kill you when she got home. What a waste since you were the weak one." He said calmly.

I let tears fall. I looked at the ground.

Then I put my hand into a fist. He was just playing with my emotions. Whatever he said may be true, but I can't think about it now.

I looked up to see Sasuke fighting off the snake.

The snake dissapeared after Sasuke had tired himself out.

I facepalmed internally. How could he leave himself open like that? He's such an idiot!

"And now, I'm going to do the same thing I did to your sister, to him!" He yelled.

The snake man's neck stretched towards Sasuke and was preparing to bite him.

"No!" I screamed.

I ran towards Sasuke.

It looked like I was gonna let the man bite me. Yeah right! Like I'd ever let him get a bite from someone of the Haruno family!

I kicked under his neck, making it fly upward multiple times.

"Lion's barrage!" I exclaimed while slamming my foot on his neck.

I winced as I heard my bone break.

I screamed a bloodcurdling scream.

I didn't stop him, but I did make his aim go off.

He bit a log.

I almost burst out laughing.

"Damn log." He muttered.

He turned around to face me with a sickly sweet smile on his face.

"Since I used most of my chakra in that move because I never miss," His eyes narrowed at his sentence.

"I will use the remaining I have left on you!" He grinned as he came charging towards me.

I froze waiting for the right moment.

He bit my neck and there was a poof.

"What the hell?!?" He roared.

In my place was another log.

"Man, I love substitution jutsu." I called from behind him.

He growled but smoothed out his expression.

"Very well, I know when I should leave, but don't worry, I'll be coming back very soon. When you come searching for power, remember, my name is Orochimaru."

With that, Orochimaru left.

Naruto jogged up to us.

"What I miss?" He panted.

"A-lot." We both replied.

"Well sorry for being stuck inside of a-.. Why is that log glowing?" Naruto asked.

The log Orochimaru bit glowed a dull green before going back to brown.

Naruto picked up the log and hit a nearby ninja who was trying to sneak up on us.

The ninja flew 125 feet away.

'Huh, so he wasn't kidding when he said the mark gave you power.' I thought to myself, rubbing my arm Samantha had broken when I was 5 absentmindedly.

"Oh my gosh... You are one powerful log! Can you teach me how to do that? Can you be my special log everytime I do a substitution? Can I name you Ramen?" Naruto rambled to the log.

Sasuke and I both sweatdropped.

We set off to find another damn scroll since we were still in the exams, despite being attacked by a snake dude with a freakishly large snake.

I winced as I put weight on my leg. Looks like it really was broken.

I sighed when Naruto and Sasuke were a little farther ahead than me.

I heard a twig snap behind me.

I whirled around but saw no-one.

"Sakura! What are you doing?"Naruto called out.

"Nothing I just zoned out for a minute catch up with you in a second!" I stated loudly.

I rushed forward to catch up ignoring the fiery pain in my leg.

I still felt someone was watching us.

Well, looks like I have to keep my guard up.

And not fight anyone at the moment.

Seriously? What is that guy's neck made out of? Metal?

i just hope he doesn't come back again.

I wonder if what he said was true, about my sister..

I wonder... 

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