Chapter 49: Sakura

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Such a long chapter, I know! Enjoy and let me know what you think. Super unedited and I'll probably go back and edit but for now this is just something to tide you over.
Initial update: 4/23/16 12:05 am
Final edit: 5/1/16 1:09 pm

Itachi was quiet as I finished my current work. I took a seat by the door, blockading him from escape while simultaneously keeping watch over him.

Of course, he noticed my motive and sighed an exasperated sigh.

He slowly sat up, his face void of emotion. I studied his movements and eyes, searching to see if he was pain.

I tensed, eyeing him and ignoring the slight knot in my stomach.

Itachi Uchiha is the type of person to keep everything inside. As annoying as it is, I can't change him now. The best I can do is call him out on it when the chance comes.

"Feeling okay?" I questioned, a smile playing on my lips as I saw the slightest twitch in his midsection. It was almost microscopic, but it was there.

He stared blankly at me, realization slowly entering his eyes as he was failing at hiding the pain.

Standing up, I spoke as I strode across the room.

"It's okay. I'm a medic; I'm bound to know when and what you're hiding." I shrugged as I kneeled by his bedside.

Palpating his abdomen, I found no tenderness or soreness. My eyebrows scrunched in confusion. If it wasn't the abdomen, then what had I seen?

My eyes lit up with recognition as annoyance hit me.

"Release." I growled.

Sure enough, the Itachi on the bed disappeared, and the door behind me was wide open.

Judging by the precision of the genjutsu, Itachi has full use of his Sharingan. I wouldn't put it past him to test all of his tricks on me, rather than doing a medical exam.

I stepped out of the room and shut the door. No one was around, and my breathing was the only sound throughout the complex.

Anticipation slithered around me while anxiety clawed at my throat.

Itachi was still a dangerous man, who could very well end me. His mental state is something I have no information about. Fear enveloped me as that sunk in. He could be a psychopath, for all I know.

I made mental note to study under the T.I Unit in Konoha when I got back. It would seriously help in situations like this. I sighed shakily and inwardly as another realization hit me.

My relationship to Samantha doesn't matter to him. Nothing matters. Nothing would stop him from doing as he wanted. For the first time, I felt the true meaning of an S rank criminal through the fear consuming me. They incite death itself.

My thoughts raced back to a previous point.

His relationship to his family didn't matter either. I would have continued pondering his past, when I heard a scuffle. It was small, but it was there.

I knew better.

Itachi would never let me hear him approach. Unless he was confident enough that he'd win and was giving me an advantage as hopeless as it may be.

His scuffling could be a way to trap me or lead me into the open, since Samantha would kill him if he made another hole in the wall.

His Sharingan is working, making things even harder. He probably was using it now, already aware of my presence and what I would do next. Since that was the case, my best shot would be to stay put. I shut off my chakra signature as best as I could, fully knowing it could prove to be futile since he most likely knew where I was already. I prepared to stay. I mean there were only two options; I could stay, or leave.

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