Chapter one

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Once upon a time in the wide, wide ocean with the deep blue water, there lived the sea folk. There wasn’t just the seabed filled with sand. No. There was more. Every kind of plant was growing there, fishes were swimming through them and in the middle of this beautiful place was a castle. A castle made of corals and pearls. It was the castle of the sea king. Sadly, the king lost his wife long ago and had no one left except his children and his brother who helped him with the household. Yes, even an underwater castle had to be cleaned now and then.

The king had three sons and three daughters. It was told Magnus was the youngest, the most beautiful one with his yellow eyes and black fish tail. The children played in and around the castle with the fishes all day long, enjoying their childhood as princes and princesses of the wide ocean.

Magnus was considered to be different than his siblings. If a ship sank, then he was the one not wanting everything from it but little crystals that looked like the sun itself. Unlike his siblings who wanted to own the things humans do. No one knew exactly why Magnus collected them. When he was asked, the only answer they got was they were 'beautiful' and 'magical.'

Sometimes the children swam to their father’s friend – Azazel – and listened to his stories about the human world above the water. He told them about scents, attractions and all the different animals. And he promised them that by turning fifteen, they are allowed to rise up out of the sea and watch the ships sailing by, allowed to explore the human world as long as no one would recognize them. And the princes and princesses were overwhelmed with happiness and curiosity. This birthday present will turn out to be the best one.

In the following year, the first sibling turned fifteen but he was the only one so far. Every following year, another sibling turned fifteen what meant Magnus had to wait five years before he was allowed to rise up. When his siblings came back from their adventures, they told each other what they have seen and it turned out there was more than Azazel told them. With every year that passed, Magnus became more curious.

Ragnor - the first sibling talked about all the new lights and sounds in the city. Catarina - the second one talked about how the stars and the moon shined. She mentioned it was one of the most beautiful things she has ever seen. Hypatia - the third one told the others about the nature and landscape she saw and how green everything was. She also informed about big buildings like castles and little humans walking around. Malcolm - the fourth one said he didn’t want to explore the human world, he stared at the beautiful wide ocean and saw some ships passing by. Anne- the fifth one has seen the world above the water in the winter and told her siblings about frozen water and a sparkling white substance.

But when the time for the five siblings came to explore the human world, they did it and then returned home. All agreed that their own world was the better one, the one they didn’t want to leave. Sometimes they did. Sometimes alone, sometimes together. And when the five children swam upwards, Magnus watched them leaving him. He was alone in his room and he wanted to see the human world so bad that he got the feeling of wanting to cry a little. “The ability to cry tears is a human privilege”, explained Azazel. The little Prince was as sad as he has never been before. Yet, he was happy for his siblings to be able to explore a different, a new world.

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