Author's note

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Hey readers I'm sorry for not updating this story in awhile. I have been very lazy and also stressed and sad. Jonghyun's death was very hard on me and it made me not want to do anything. My grades slipped and I didn't go to school the day after it was announced. When it was announced I was already out of school for the day. I also didn't go to school the next day either and then I was  on Christmas break. I will try to update soon. I'm working on something big for this account so that's in the making which is also why I haven't updated this story. Jonghyun's death was a sad day for the world of K-pop, even the people who didn't listen to SHINee or Jonghyun's solo songs were sad, because their favorite idols were sad. To see our favorite bands and/or favorite solo artists sad and crying, it has an affect on us. To see some of my favorite bands crying and depressed because of Jonghyun's death was also hard. But because of what happened I learned that K-pop isn't just a bunch of different fandoms supporting their favorite bands, but they it is also a family when needed the different fandoms come together to help each other. When he died a lot of different fandoms came together to help the Shawols. It was a nice thing to watch and it helped me knowing that there were people out there that were helping the shawols during this time of change. I wasn't just mourning over Jonghyun I was also giving my support to fellow Shawols. I hope now that K-pop companies will take all their idols seriously when they say that they are depressed. I don't want the same thing that happened to Jonghyun happen to another idol. I hope things will be different from now on. If you read this whole note then you are amazing and thank you for reading. I will try to update soon. 

(336 words)

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