Chapter 34

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We went back to my room and turned on a movie and shortly after Jeno came in. I got up quietly from my beanbag and dragged him out and into another room, I just silently hugged him and started crying. "Sunny, what did he do?" he asked gently.

"He keeps accusing me of cheating on him, I think I love Taeyong, but at the same time, I'm confused. He also doesn't want me until he's sure I don't just want him because I'm lonely..." I trailed off.

"Don't let yourself get all worked up because of him, I wish Bin could see how much you've grown over the last few months. I know he'd be proud of you. You're doing great, how're you holding up about Eric though?"

"It's been tough, really tough and I don't really feel like I can talk to anyone because they don't truly understand where I'm coming from and it's been tough."

"Have you told Taeyong-Hyung about anything that happened between you and Hansol before Eric intervened? I know that you weren't able to tell Eric but if you want to be with Hyung he has to know some of it so he doesn't accidentally trigger you."

"Jeno, can I talk with Sunny?" Taeyong asked as he walked in.

"Yeah," Jeno said as he walked out.

"Sunny, you don't need to tell me anything you aren't ready to talk about. When you are I'll still be here like always, I'll always listen to you and everything you're ready to talk about. If you do end up choosing me I hope that I'll be able to make you happy and give you everything you need, but you know how this life works. I don't want you to feel neglected or feel like I don't love you. I don't want you to always be stressed about me," he said as he fiddled with my fingers.

"It wouldn't be the first time I was with an idol, I know what it entails. I know all about the struggles and pain that it comes with but I want to be with you and I'm sure that'll never change. I know you would never intentionally hurt me," I said as my heart was racing. I felt my heart pound against my chest but this time it was delightful.

"You want to be with me?" he asked.

"I believe so," I said.

"What if you end up wanting Rocky back?" he asked.

"It would take me a lot to want him back, he's gone too far and I can't take it."

"What about Renjun and Jeno?"

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Sunny, I see the way you look at him sometimes, and as for Jeno sometimes I feel like you like him. You guys are normally silently talking to each other."

I giggled, "Jeno is like my brother and Junnie is just my best friend."

"When we are alone and have more time, we'll talk more about this. I want to make sure, I'm the one you want."

We went back to my room and I tried to sit down in my bean bag chair but Jeno pulled me into his lap. "What he want?" he whispered.

"I'll tell you later, he thinks you and I have a thing going."

He let me up quickly, so I went and tried to sit in my bean bag again, "Noona?" Jisung asked.

I gave up on my bean bag, "Yes Ji?" I asked.

"Is everything okay?" he asked. Renjun took that as a sign to pause the movie.

"Honestly it's been a bit rough, I miss Eric all the time. It's hard to move on from him, we basically planned everything together, I have known him since I was around 3. Every time things went wrong he was there and it hurts that he isn't with me anymore. I'm lucky to still have Tae, I'm thankful that he doesn't blame me like Eric's family. I miss the small things like the way he would hold my hand every time we were together. The way his hand felt in mine, the way he always smelt like lavender mixed with vanilla. He was my everything for so long and it's still so strange that when things go wrong I can't just go next door to him.

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