Chapter 17

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       "I want to be safe, I don't want him to hurt me. I don't want him to hurt you either," I cried out. He hugged me a little tighter. I sobbed like a baby in his arms. I've never been one to cry this much, but recently things have been tough and complicated.

"Sunny, I love you," Rocky said.

"Rocky?" I said after I calmed down.

"Hm?" He hummed.

"Tomorrow I just want to be with you, I just want you," I said.

"I'll do my best," he said.

"Rocky, can we please be together tonight? Not like you know, but like be a couple?" I asked. "Just in case we can't ever get the chance."

"I'm not going to let him do anything like that to you, he's not going to take you from me! I won't let him! I don't care what he does to me, I just want you safe," he said with lots of love and pain and determination in his voice.

"Rocky, just kiss me," I giggled.

"As you wish," he chuckled. He leaned in and kissed me slowly. His hands gently resting at the bottom of my spine. My arms were entangled together hanging off his shoulders.

A few seconds into the kiss and his hands are pushing my hips more into him. "Sunny? I want to try something let me know if you want me to stop," he says against my lips.

"M'kay," I say back.

He tilts his head and brings one of his hands to the back of my neck and pushes our lips together in a heated kiss. Immediately I kiss back. It feels nice knowing he's keeping me in mind. He pushes me closer to him and lays us back so he's under me. I grab the sheets by his head and pull. He takes my hands and leads them to his hair.

I pull back a bit and he opens his eyes. "Are you sure?" I ask.

"Sunny if it makes you feel comfortable and happy, yes," he says and pulls me back in.

He starts out slowly this time like he's unsure. "Rocky, do you want to stop?" I mumble against his lips. He replies with a little shake of his head.

He rolls us over I'm under him. I find myself under him a lot recently. He slowly intensifies the kiss, he slowly moves to my neck. He kisses it gently and it tickles. "Don't leave marks," I say gently. He bites me in response. I groan as a reaction.

"What was that?" He questions quickly.

"I have no idea," I giggle.

He sits up onto his knees and laughs, "You look so adorable and like a mess," he says as he leans back down. He kisses me roughly and I returned the kiss happily. My hands find their way to his hair and I run them gently through his soft messy hair. It's so silky and soft. I continue to run my fingers through it until he runs his hands under my shirt and starts pulling on it and kisses me with more need.

I start to tug on his hair roughly and he squeezes my body. He groans loudly into my ear. I continue to pull. "Sunny," he groans out and I stop. "We should stop here before I lose control," he says. I just nod. He falls against my body with his face buried deep in my neck.

"I can't wait for this all to be over so I can do what I want and not have to worry about Hansol," he says in my neck. I can tell he's desperate, his breathing and voice give him away.

"Rocky, don't worry about him and do what you want," I said.

"I can't if I do it'll cause issues. Hyung is also already mad at me enough. I can't keep making him mad either," he said. "We should try to get rid of the hickeys from last night," he sighed.

"Okay," I said and made no progress to get up and neither did he. I knew he needed to rest and get himself back together.

"I'm sorry," he said.

"You're human so don't worry about it, I'm feeling it too," I say referring to the tension in the room and around us.

After a few more minutes of laying down, he gets up and pulls me up. "Let's do something about them," he says.

We do everything that the internet says and it lightens up a bit. At least there was only one and it wasn't too big, to begin with. "I'm so sorry Sunny," Rocky apologized.

"I'm not."

He stared deeply into my eyes. "Hansol may be pissed off and you don't care?" He asked with a raised voice.

"Whoa, what is going on here," Jinjin said as he walked into the dorm and up to my teary-eyed form. "Sunny, what happened?"

"Ugh, Sunny! You need to be careful! You can't piss him off! I can't have him fuxcking hurting you!" Rocky said loudly. He was obviously pissed off.

"Rocky, I need you to calm down! Now!" Bin shouted.

"Sunny, please!" Rocky begged.

The yelling and raised voices brought me back to times Tae, Eric, Hansol, Bin, and I would fight. "Bin, I want to go home," I said quietly. "Oppa, please!"

I kept thinking of Eric and I dropped to the ground hard clutching my chest. "Eric? Eric?" I let out weakly as he stood above me. "Eric I love you."

He suddenly picks me up and takes me to a room. "Eric I want your kids. We have to name them. I hope they look like you," I say.

In seconds there are lips against mine and I'm sighing into it. When I pull away I see Rocky, with tears streaming down his face. Then I realize that I was hallucinating and calling him Eric. "Rocky? I'm so so sorry. Please don't leave me, I want you. I want to be with you, please don't go," I cry.

"Hey shh shh shh, I'm not going anywhere. I'm here, I'm alive, I'm not leaving, I got you," he said pulling me in close to him. "I'm sorry for getting upset and mad."

"Rocky," I cry harder pulling myself into his chest. "Can you take me to his house tonight? I want to get it over with, I'm ready," I whispered quietly into his ear while crying.

"You wanna go for a car ride together?" He asked and I just nodded understanding what he was doing.


We arrived at his house and I knocked on the door. "Sunny?" Hansol questioned and pulled me into the house.


A/N: Sorry for the short chapter. The next chapter will be out within the next two weeks.

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Being Moon Bin's sister a Rocky fanficWhere stories live. Discover now