Chapter 23

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       I get in the car and Rocky backs out as soon as I'm buckled in. "Rocky, what's going on?" I asked panicked. He grabs my hand tightly.

       "Sunny it's best that I don't tell you, you're going to need Bin. I'm not going to be able to help you this time," he said.

       "Rocky?" I asked as my voice cracked and hands started shaking.

       "Don't worry I'm not going anywhere, everyone's safe. It's just that I won't know what to say. We're almost there so please don't worry too much," he said.

       "No matter what happens you're with me right?"

       "Of course!"

       After 10 minutes of silence we arrive and the minute that we pull in we get out and I run to Bin. "What's happened?" I asked hurriedly.

       "Sunny... you're going to want to take a seat," Bin said slowly.

       I sat down on a stool that was at the kitchen island. Rocky came behind me and wrapped his arms around me and I grabbed his hands. "Dad isn't who you think he is," he stated.

       "What do you mean?" I asked as I tensed up.

       "He's been paying Hansol to hurt you. He's the reason why Eric is gone, why everything that had to do with you getting hurt happened," he said slowly.

       I started crying and shaking. "So the reason I lost Eric was because of Dad? The reason I lost so much in my life was because of the man that helped create me?" I sobbed.

       "Sunny?" Rocky called as I cried harder. I turned around and buried my head in his shirt and inhaled his scent.

       "Can I please leave? I wanna go," I said.

       "Yeah, you can go," Bin said.

       I left Rocky's embrace and headed for the stairs keeping my head down. I walked to my balcony after grabbing a blanket. I wrapped it around my body and I sat on the ground. I looked at the blue sky. I really wanted Rocky to hold me. Within a few minutes, he was at the door asking me to come in. I just got up and went to my bed and laid down. I stared at the ceiling. "Sunny, do you want to be alone?" He asked.

       "Rocky if my dad offers you money will you hurt me the way Hansol has?" I asked with no emotion.

       "Sunny I would never be able to hurt you like that. I really do love you," he said.

       "Minhyuk I really really can't lose you. Like I really need you," I whispered.

       He crawled up in the bed and wrapped his arms around me. "You won't lose me. I'm not going anywhere."

       I pull him close to me. "Rocky?"


       "What's going to happen from here?"

       "If your dad comes to me to do anything to you I'm going to leave you alone because I can't be the cause of your pain the way Hansol was."

       "So you'll just leave? Like, walk out?"

       "It'll look that way yes. That way he thinks I hurt you worse than anyone else ever has. Hansol said to him to leave you be and let you be happy. He talked about how much he truly loves you. If you ever need assistance go to him, but if he hurts you, you better tell someone."

       "Okay, so you'll stage a break up with me?"

       "Yes, Bin said it'd be best to do it that way. He said it'd work best if I don't tell you if it is one. He'll make sure you're okay and keep you safe for me."

       We lay there for a couple of hours just talking about random things. A few hours go by and I fall asleep. 


A/N: So, I decided that I'd just post what I got, I'm sorry if it isn't very good but this was the best that I could come up with the other things that I wrote after the news was trash and I didn't know where I was going with it. I'm sorry that this is so short but honestly, I'm stressed so I'm up late and this is all I could come up with. I'm going to take my time with chapters from here on and as some of you have noticed this book will be ending soon there are only like 12 more chapters give or take. I had a lot more planned with this book but it's already dramatic and long. Also if anyone is wanting background chapters on some of the other characters let me know in the comments and I'll do it. Like if you want to know ethnicities and stuff for some of the OCs, or just general background info. Also happy holidays everyone!! Please be safe!

Being Moon Bin's sister a Rocky fanficTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon