Chapter 25

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      I went out and got my things from Johnny's car and hugged Johnny bye and went inside to Tae and hugged him tightly. "Thank you," I whispered to him. I know that he loves me in a non-friend type way. He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his slim waist. "I know that it's hard for you to see me with him, yet you never show it. Rocky and I both see it. I wanted to thank you for getting me through these years and always helping me with my failing relationships even though you want to be with me."

       "Sunny, I'd rather you be happy with someone else than be unhappy with me. As long as you're happy I'll deal with it. I'll always be with you and be on your side."

       "Thank you, Tae, seriously," I say. He puts me down and kisses my cheek and wishes me goodbye as he walks out the door. I ran after him quickly. "Tell the Dreamies that I'll see them soon and we can do a thing together!" I shouted at him. He just giggles and nods.

       I walk back to Rocky's room and lay beside him and hug him tightly to my body. "Sunny," Rocky says.

       "Rocky if this is about my dad then I don't want to hear it and you know that. Don't bring him up. I got you and you got me. You won't hurt me," I said.

       "No, I just wanted to say that I love you," he said staring at the ceiling.

       "Yah!" MJ yelled as he jumped onto the bed and onto us.

       "MJ, you're crushing my chicken bones!" I said as loud as I could while feeling all of my breath trying to go back into my lungs.

       "Sorry, it's just Bin doesn't want you two alone together."

       "Of course he doesn't, I mean look at me. I wonder how Rocky keeps his sanity being so close to a hot and beautiful woman like me," I said.

       "Hot? Beautiful? Woman? Where? Sounds like a dream!" MJ says.

       "Boi you got three seconds to run! 1! 2! 3!" I yell as I chase MJ around the dorm.

       "Sunny! I'm sorry!" MJ yells as I chase him.

       "Why is MJ-Hyung running from Sunny-Noona?" Sanha asks.

       "MJ teased her," Rocky explained as I jumped on MJ. "MJ-Hyung, you deserved that."

*Time skip*

       "Winwin!!" I yelled as he opened the door.

       "Hey, Sunny! Are things better today?" he asked.

       "Of course because you, Yuta, and I are hanging out today! It's finally our day together! I'm so excited!" I said excitedly.

       "Hey Sunny," Taeyong said as he ruffled my hair.

       "Tae? Can I stay tonight? Nothing happened I just want to spend time with you guys," I said.

       "Of course, stay as long as you like," he said with his beautiful smile on show. "I'll see you tonight, I need to go to the studio."

       "Okay, have fun," I said as he walked out the door.

       "Okay boys, what are we doing today?" I said as I walked over to the two on the couch and plopped on them.

       "We can go see a movie if you want?" Yuta suggested as he played with my hair as my head laid in his lap.

       "Or we can stay here and watch a movie, play video games, and order take out," Winwin says as he plays with my fingers.

       "I choose the second option," I say.

       A few hours have gone by and we've watched three movies now, "Sunny are you comfortable?" Yuta asked as he pulled the blanket up further on my body as he walked by.

       "Yeah, just a bit hungry," I said as Winwin snored from the other side of the couch. I get up and wrap the blanket over my body as I was cold. I walk over to their kitchen and grab some snacks for me and Yuta.

       "Instead of eating junk here, we go to the park and then go get strawberries or something?" Yuta asked as he came out of nowhere.

       "Sure!" I said as I put the goods back in their places.

       "We're gonna leave Winwin here so he can rest up."

       "Okay," I said as I made my way to the door.

       "I'm not letting you leave the house like that you'll freeze!" he complained as he walked to his room to retrieve something.

       He came back moments later with a hoodie in his arms and one over his white t-shirt. "Yuta~ it's not even that cold~!" I whined.

       "Sunny it's early spring it's below ten degrees Celcius! You need to put something on, please?" he asked.

       I put on the hoodie as he put on his shoes, once my shoes were on our way. On the way, we talked and laughed a lot. Once we got there we raced to the swings and he beat me. "I'll push you," he said as we laughed at the fact that I'm slow. I sat down and he pushed me for a bit before I decided I was bored and wanted to chase him.

       I jumped off the swing and ran at him. "I'm going to get you, Mr. Nakamoto!" I laughed as he ran away.

       I eventually catch him and jump on his back. We giggled and I tried to get off, he hoisted me up and held me properly on his back. He walks us around the park and we just talked about life and normal stuff. When I started getting sleepy we were at the dorm. I forgot how relaxing and comforting it was to be with Yuta all day. We went in as I held tighter to Yuta with my head still nuzzled into his neck. He walked somewhere into the dorm and sat down.

       Once he sat down he untangled me from himself and tried to walk away. "Yuta, please stay," I call out tiredly. He comes back over and brushes my hair out of my face.

       "I'll be back in a little bit, go to sleep," he says softly.

       I nod lazily and he leaves. I fall asleep.

        I wake up to the bed dipping down, the smell of Yuta fills my senses and I relax as he wraps himself around me. "Go back to sleep, I'm here and you're fine." I curl around him and go back to sleep.

       A few hours I wake up and Yuta is still awake. He was reading a book while my head was near his shoulder and arm still draped over his torso. He's really handsome and just an all-around good friend. Once he realized I was awake he set his book down. "Good morning sleepyhead, how was your nap?" he asked.

       "It was good. How is your book?"

        "It's good, Winwin has something for you out in the living room, and Taeyong will be home in an hour with food and Jisung, Chenle, Jaemin, Jeno, and Renjun will be coming after their practice along with Ten, Lucas, and Kun in an hour," He said as I put my head on his shoulder.

        He reached up and started playing with my hair, "Okay, I'm still tired. Can I lay here for a bit longer?" I asked.

       "Yeah but I need to go shower, you can stay here," he said.

       "Okay," I say as he gets up and grabs some clothes. He walks out and I start stretching. I get up and make my way to the living room and sit next to Winwin. "Hello."

Being Moon Bin's sister a Rocky fanficWhere stories live. Discover now