Chapter 7: Don't you dare !

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"What should we do now ?" Haruto said. You clutched him tightly,gritting your teeth. "Whatever we can !" You rushed at the lizard with a battle cry,swinging the halberd and wounding it with it's blade. As expected,the bladed arms stretched out from the wound and started to rush to you. You used Haruto to guard,but something strange happened next.

The bladed arms wrapped around his pole,then the blades stabbed the steel without warning. "Haruto !" You shrieked as a small yelp came from him,blood trickling from the pole. His face flashed in the blade,breathing heavily. "Damn it…" You heard him curse. The lizard turned to you and started using its sharp clawed 'hands' to try and catch you.

You dodged,then tried to slice its hand. It did,but it just came back. "What the—" "Regeneration. Lizards have that ability.." Haruto said. You looked at him,worried. "Your wounds…" You mumbled. "I'm fine.. Stay focused on the fight." He said. You sighed,then nodded. The fight went on for 20 minutes. Everytime you block,Haruto gains a new injury. He was fighting the urge to pass out,but you know he won't be able to do it long enough. You continued fighting,deciding to dodge the bladed arms instead of blocking. "What's with you ? Block it !" Haruto yelled. You continued to dodge,heavily breathing. "I can't.." You mumbled. "If you're worried about me,I'm fine ! I can take the pa—" "Shut up !" You yelled. The lizard decided to sweep you off of your balance,making you take multiple steps backwards and regaining your balance once you reached the wall. Yep,wall.

"Sh*t !" You cursed. The lizard made it's way to you,grinning widely and its sharp teeth showing. You looked up at it in horror,starting to shake. "Whatever it plans,block it !" Haruto yelled. "No ! If I do,you'll—" "I DON'T GIVE A DAMN !" Haruto yelled again. The lizard wounded itself. As the wound started throbbing,you tossed Haruto to the side,leaving you weaponless. "(Y/N) !" Haruto turned back to his human form. You covered your eyes with your arm,not wanting to see what will happen next.


You blinked when you didn't felt the pain you were expecting.


You gasped,hearing the familiar voice. You slowly peeked,putting your arm down as you saw the usual spiky blue hair with that star tattoo on his shoulder.


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