unsupportive people; 1

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ok so this is something i just need to vent about bc it really upsets me

so yesterday i had a soccer game right and we were in the finals. and we ended up losing to referees bc they're always so dumb

and i honestly played the best that i could and as soon as i walk off the field my dad is like "yOU SHOULDVE DONE THIS YOU DID IT WRONG YOU DIDNT EVEN TRY"

like hold up a sec

i just lost in the finals and i'm already feeling like absolute sHIT and you're telling me i did a bad job?? can't it wait like a day??

not even a "good job" like i never hear that from him it's always negative and i understand that i need criticism too but you know telling me positive things won't hurt me either

dont you hate when the person you're trying your best to impress just thinks u suck bc no

which brings me to the topic of people in general who like to bring others down

first of all wHY

does it make you feel better that you make others feel like they're less than you are? because it really isn't okay and those people need to not

you are a star you can do whatever you want you will become president you will pass that test you will become the next beyonce you will meet your fav

thank you and amen

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