CHAPTER 36: Flaws and All

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Damsel's chest tightened when she saw James's name flash on her phone screen. She was conflicted about the whole James situation. The weak part of her wanted desperately to run back to James and act like nothing happened, but the Bridget Kane in her kept her away. Told her that the pain was just beginning if she gave in.

She shouldn't have gone to the youth outreach a few days before. She told herself she was going for the kids, but secretly she wanted to see James. For some stupid reason she didn't think that he would spot her, not in the crowd...

She stumbled back when she ran into someone. Two firm hands grabbed her by the arms to steady her. She looked into familiar blue eyes. "Doctor Moore. I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention."

"That makes two of us." He let her go and stood straight tucking his hands in his lab coat pockets.

She frowned taking the man in. He looked thinner than usual, bags under his eyes, looked like he hadn't slept in days. She frowned when she found his naked ring finger.

"Frederick are you okay?"

He displayed a forced smile. "I'm fine."

Damsel crossed her arms over her chest debating whether to bring up the topic or not and then how she would bring it up. "Are's Larue?"

"Last time I heard from her a few weeks ago she was doing well. She called off the engagement." He mumbled the last part and looked down at his shoes.

"Oh, I'm sorry, truly."

"Appreciate the sincerity. On lighter matters, I heard congratulations is in order Doctor Kane."

Damsel felt the heat pushing from her neck to her cheeks. "Thanks. I just found out a couple days ago." She didn't know how to feel about that either. She was relieved more than excited, but she really thought she'd be celebrating her accomplishment with...

"I knew for a couple weeks. Perks of knowing three people on the board."

She smirked looking at her shoes. "Perks indeed." There was a silence that settled between the two of them.

"I...uh...I was offered a job in D.C."

Damsel didn't have time to hide the shock that washed her face. "Oh, uh... that's uh...great!"

"It's a place with a lot of need. Plenty of opportunity for a young doctor to do her residency with room to grow."

Damsel wasn't ready...for...this...conversation. "I-I'm,"

He held up a hand. "There's no need to rush a decision." He smiled this time his blue eyes twinkled. I didn't mean to put you on the spot. Give it some thought."

Leaving Los Angeles never actually crossed her mind. She was, however, mentally preparing fo the conversation she'd have to have the chief of staff to transition from a nurse to a doctor if she stayed at that hospital. "Moving? Why?"

Dr. Moore took a deep breath. "I need a change. Maybe..." He exhaled and rubbed his hand down his face. "Maybe now that we're both, unattached, a change might not be a bad thing..." He paused when he heard his name over the pager system. "Just think it over?"

Damsel nodded her mind spinning. "Okay."

He placed a hand on her shoulder. "It's always good to see you."

She watched him walk away even more unsettled than she was ten minutes before. It was nonsensical how things worked out. She'd dreamed about a life that Dr. Moore had just placed in front of her nonchalantly. A peaceful, pleasant existence with someone she could sit by a roaring fireplace with and chat about enzymes and scientific research. Have a child, maybe two sometime in the future and go on annual family vacations. She was even, at one point in her life, secretly hoping Dr. Moore would break up with LaRue and finally come to the realization that Damsel was his soulmate.

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