Low Blood Pressure

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It had been an half hour since Jenny showed up when I opened the door.

Right now,I'm sitting in my room, shocked.

If your wondering why I'm shocked, I'll tell you...


" Jenny? " I asked, so if I didn't believe what I saw.

" Hello Kayla. Oh, and happy birthday. Is Mark here? " Jenny spoke. How she spoke sounded.. So much unlike her. It almost sounded like she meant it. " And also, I want to apologise for my behavior last time we saw etch other. I wasn't fair to you.. so.. I'm sorry. " She then said and I was frozen in shock.

Jenny, Jenny just said she was sorry. Jenny, the bi*ch.

" Kayla who was it? " I heard Mark's voice ask.

" Eh.. You better get here. " I said, now over my shock.

I heard his foot steps when he walked and soon he was behind me.

" Jenny..? " He also asked, as if too didn't believe that she was standing there.

" Hi, Mark. I want to talk to you. " She said, still in her nice tone.

Mark nodded and let her in.

A few minutes later, we all where in the living room. Everyone was looking at Jenny, almost if to see if she was lying about her niceness.

" Erhm.. Okay.." Jenny started, looking uncomfortable with all of us there. " So..Mark, I was wondering.. Do you love me? "

" Eh.. Yes, yes I do. " Mark started and my heart broke, but soon healed when I heard what he said next. " But I love Kayla more. I don't love you like I once did. I'm sorry Jenny, but I want a divorce. " When he spoke those words, it was like a bomb had set of inside of Jenny.

" Her?! You like that tramp? She is just some.. You can't love her! Your supposed to be with me! " And that is what it went on like for a few minutes before she was stopped.

" HEY! Shout up crazy bi*ch! You are nothing compared to Kayla! Get the h*ll out of here! " Lola shouted and soon Kelly joined her. Surprisingly enough, Nick and Mark also joined, but they didn't use.. The same colorful words Kelly and Lola where.


That is why I am confused. Jenny's behavior changed really fast, almost like she was bi-polar or something. Maybe she was, who knows.

So, now you know why I was confused.

After all the arguments and Jenny had left, but not before telling/screaming at me that she was going to get Mark back, I also left.

Sure, the night had been great, but I didn't want to celebrate my birthday anymore after all of that. Kelly, Nick and Lola also left after that, probably wanting to give me and Mark some alone time.

But I couldn't talk to him right then, since I felt guilty. If I hadn't gotten pregnant with his baby, then maybe he and Jenny still would be happy and still together. I can't help but to feel like it was my foult that they are not together. I know that the reason they split up was because Jenny cheated on Mark, but still.. I can't help it, I believe it's my foult.

I feel like my father. When he left us for another woman, me and mom where devastated. So, I know what Jenny feel like right now.

I never thought I'd be like my father, I promised that I'd never break up a marriage, to be the other woman, but right now, I am the other woman with a plus: a baby too.

Sir, I'm having your baby ( Teacher/Student )Where stories live. Discover now