My babys picture

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We had been driving for about 10 minutes when I remembered that mom's boss ahd called.

" Mom last night your boss called, and I sort of forgot about it. " I said

" I know. She called this morning and told me about it. "

" Okay... So, what did she want? " I hoped that she wouldn't have to leave, again.

" She just told me that I'd be able to stay home for a few days more before starting to work again. "

" Great, now we can spend more time together. " I said, happy that I'd be able to spend more time with my mother. It wasn't often she'd be home for days.

We continued the ride in silence and soon we arrived to our destination. Mom parked the car and when that was over, we got out of the car. We then walked in to the reception.

We then had to wait about 15 minutes before the doctor came out. During those minutes, I thought about everything that went down yesterday. With Mark's dad and the test. What if Jenny really was brain- something and had to be treated? Nah, she can't be that crazy.

I was also sad that Mark wouldn't be able to be here today. I really wanted him to see the baby. Sure, he could get a picture, but I want him to really see the baby while moving on a monitor. But you can't get everything you want.

Anyway, like I said, it took about 15 minutes before the doctor came, but when she did, I was excited.

We walked in to the room we where supposed to be in and soon the doctor told me to lay down on the bed-thingy they had in there.

I layed down and pulled up my shirt, just like I was told to do. After I had done that, the doctor, Dr. Carlton, got the gel-stuff and put it on my stomach. I'm sorry that I can't describe it more, but I am no doctor, so I had no idea what things where called.

Once the gel was on, Dr. Carlton got the monitor thing.

I then got to see my baby.

He/ she was so adorable! She/ he was sucking on her thumb!

" Here you can she the baby. There is the head and as you can see, the baby is sucking it's own thumb. Then there is the feet's, right here. All ten toes. " Dr. Carlton said.

I watched in silence. I didn't dare to speak, since I was afraid that I'd start to cry.

" Would you like to know the sex? " Dr. Carlton then asked and I almost started to cry.

I could know if it was a baby girl or boy? I really wanted to know, but I also wanted Mark to be here when I found out.

" No, not right now. I'll wait for a while. "  I decided.

" Alright. If you change your mind, you just have to call and we'll let you know. Alright, we're done here now. " Dr. Carlton said and gave me some paper to clean of the gel.

When I was cleaned up, I pulled down my shirt. Before we left, I also got some papers from Dr. Carlton about pregnancy's. Just some basic stuff, like what I could eat and what I couldn't do. We also get a  picture of the baby. Well, I got two, one for me and one for Mark. Of course, I didn't tell mom that. I told her I just wanted an extra just in case. After that, we left.

We got in to the car and mom drove us home.

When we arrived home, I went up to my room.

I sat down on my bed and picked up the picture of the baby. I really wanted to know if it was a boy or girl, but I also wanted Mark with me when I find out.

Sir, I'm having your baby ( Teacher/Student )Where stories live. Discover now