chapter 44

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Two days later.


"Nigga you listening?" Omelly asked snapping his fingers.

"Yeah im just out of it right now"

"Obviously she still hasn't talk to you?" I shook my head.

"I wouldn't either." Tak said. I shot him a look.

"Like you hid the fact her ole girl was alive" Chino said looking at me.

"Worry about yall relationships." Omelly said.

"Imma talk to sis and see if i could get her out the room you just stay away ok nigga? He said i just nodded not even giving a fuck.
"Come on baby" I held my hands out to Rihana who was trying to get up. Rihana turned eight months today and i took her to the park. Nic turned 7 months today also. She got up a little but then fell back down.

"Aww she's so adorable" I looked behind me to see a women walking towards us.

"Thank you" i said. She stood by me.

"How old is she?"

"8 months" i said.

"Can i hold her"

"Nah but you can wave" i said. Fuck i look like letting a stranger touch my kid. She looked at me then back at Rih.

"Your so cute little baby" Rihana looked at her and started crying. I picked her up.

"Im Lona by the way." I nodded at her.

"Im Meek"

"Her mother is very lucky to have a guy like you. Most men dump their kids on the women and pretend to go to work but here you are playing with your kid"  I just nodded Rihana mean mugged the woman.

"I see shes not friendly"


"I can see she gets it from you" lona said eyeing me I guess she wanted to see my reaction.

"Yup" I said.

"Well i have to go but maybe we can be friends" she suggested. I shook my head.

"I got enough friends" she just laughed.

"See you around meek" she streched out 'Meek' a little too to my liking. She walked away i notice she switched her hips extra hard. I shook my head and put my baby girl down.

"Come on Tanya I know you can do it" Nicki doesnt know this but Rihana's middle name was Tanya. I wanted Rih to be able to atleast stand. The crawling shit wasnt working for me. She struggled to get up but when she did she actually stood without falling. She laughed and started clapping.

"Now come to daddy baby" I moved back a little and kneeled down to her level. She took one step but tipped forward I caught her before her face can hit the cement. I picked her up and threw her up. She started laughing. I kissed all on her face making her laugh even more. I stopped and walked to my car.

"Were going go get something to eat Rih" i unlocked my car and buckled her in making sure she had on the seatbelts and the car door was on child locks. I looked in the back while i got in my seat. I imagined all three of my kids in their car seats sitting. Im going to buy Nicki a mini van for the amount of children im planning on having. I seen my phone light up in the cupboard. I forgot to put it in my pocket. I took it and unlocked it. I had 5 missed calls from Nicki 4 from Candi and 3 from a unknown number. I called Nicki back but it went straight to voicemail. I called Candi. She answered on the fourth ring.

"H-hhello" she sounded like she was crying.

"Yeah wassup candice you straight?" I asked. Rihana started to whine so i started the car and opened the air but still stayed in the same spot.

"M-M-Meek Nicki's in the hospital" I didnt say anything. I probably didn't hear that correctly.


"N-N-Nickis in the hospital hurry up" My heart started racing.

"Ard im coming" i said. Its probably nothing major i kept telling myself as i cut cars off on the free way. I made it to the hospital in less than 15 minutes.  I called Candi to see what room they were in.

"Hi im looking for Onika Maraj room 458" I said to the front desk person.

"ID please" i sucked my teeth and pulled out my wallet. I opened it with one hand and pulled my id out. The lady slowly took it eyeing my wallet that was open on the desk.

"Oh ok here you go" she gave me a sticker pass for both me and Rih. I put it on Rih clothes and put mines on. I grabbed my wallet and a hundred dollar bill fell out. I left it there and made my way to the elevators. After getting one i clicked the 4.

"Aww she's so cute" this girl who was in it with me said. She looked over at Rihana. I held her a firm. I looked at the girl up and down she had a nurse uniform on. I aint gonna lie she was fine, her nurse pants revealed her assets, and she had a hour glass shape. She was hella pretty too she wasn't wearing make up but she had on lipstick. She was beautiful but ain't have shit on Nicki. Nicki was a goddess.

"Thanks" I said dryly

"Im Betty" she said. The elevators door open to floor 4 and i just walked out without saying anything. I found the room and open the door. My heart did this weird thing when i seen Nicki on the hospital bed. I found Candi sitting next to her. I could tell she's been crying.

"Meek! Your here" she said getting up.

"What happened?" i asked.

"I dont know i was getting my nails done then she was blowing up my phone. I awnsered and she was saying she was scared because she heard voices in the house that wasn't you. Then i heard bullets being shot. I hurried my ass over there. I left my purse and aint even finish my nails." she said. I looked over at Nicki. Damn how could i be so stupid. I shouldn't have left her by herself.

"Doctors said she was grazed by a bullet on her stomach and was unresponsive their going to check in a few hours"

"You seen anyone leave or some suspicious shit when you pulled up" i dont understand my shit was gated they needed a code to get in.

"Nothing i noticed i was going ballistic. Everything was shot up."

"Aight imma check it out hold Rih for me please" i said she gladly took her. I went to Nicki amd kissed her forehead.

"Imma get whoever did this shit. Stay strong baby for us" i planted my hand on her belly. Usually my lil niggas would kick at my touch but i aint feel nothing which worried me. I waved Candi bye and Rihana was staring at Nicki who was on the bed. She had a confused look on her face.

I went to my recked home to find everything with bullets in them nothing was left standing. Shit pissed me off. I went downstairs to my secret office which i had my vault in. Nothing was touched. I watched the security cameras and three cars pulled up in front of the gate. A thick broad got out of the car and shot the security key pad. A car ran through the gate. I puaused and zoomed in on the girl. I examined the face for a minute.

"This is some bullshit!" I yelled knocking off the stuff on my desk.
Nicki (Before the shooting)

"Fuck im hungry" I said going in the kitchen. Looking around their wasn't really anything. The maid quit because she thought i was disrespectful. How was i suppose to know i was calling you a pig. Meek for sure wasnt going shopping he didn't know what to buy. Speaking of him i missed him...we missed him. I havent came out the room for two days. I was thinking. Maybe i was being a little extra. He's going to be piss when he sees the room.

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