Chapter 31

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"So when did you find out?" Meek asked. He called me at 1 to know how I was doing and stuff like that even though I seen him just a couple hours.

"When I went to the appointment with Candi. I thought I was pregnant like when the sickness started kicking in but when I took the test I thought they came out negative so I soon began to think I hade STDs" he chuckled.

"Damn you thought I gave you the claps"

"Yeah I don't know what Lil hoes you were messing"

"I was whole new virgin ma before that night with you"he said low.

"Wait you haven't fucked anyone since Shaniyah?" I said surprised.

"I haven't fucked anyone since you." He corrected. Him and Shaniyah must have went to a speed bank or something.

"Awww I took your virginity" I said gushing he chuckled but then stopped.

"Nic I'm serious when I say I want another chance with you. I'm serious when I say I'm sorry for the trouble and shit I caused you" I didn't say anything.

"Nic seeing you yesterday made me realize damn I had that then I let it slip through my fingers. Damn I still want that. I had a bunch of thoughts in my head about you over the few months. Honestly I wanna build some type of relationship with you even if it's not the boyfriend girlfriend type thing. I'm done with the playing shit. I still love you you may not love me like that anymore but I want you to know I still love you" I sighed

"Meek I do love you that love never went away even how much I tried to think of last year and the events that took down anger still didn't manage to take that love for you away. But I don't want that simple relationship that we had. Once some shit went down one called quits and the other just agreed without fighting. I don't want that petty shit. I  want to be loved till the end. Meek you didn't accomplish that. You just left once I said I wanted out. You didn't fight making me feel like I wasn't worth fighting for" I said. My eyes started watering. I heard Meek sigh.

"Onika that guy you knew is gone. I'm not the 19 year old boy anymore. Again I'm sorry I just want to forget about the past and make a future with you with our kids. Nic I want to make you my girl again soon my wife. I want my fantasys about us to become reality. I'll fight this time Nic as hard as I can just so you'll be my girl again."

"Give me time to think Rihmeek" I said blushing. I've never have a guy express their feelings to me.

"Bet I got you blushing over there"

"Shut up in tired can we talk later please"

"Yeah goodnight let me talk to my kids before you go"


"Put the phone on speaker and by your stomach" I rolled my eyes and did it. I put the volume on low and placed it by my stomach.

"Nic is it by your stomach?" I heard him ask.


"Hey my little's your dad I want y'all to know that I'm gonna protect y'all  and yo mommy as much as I can. Imma love y'all till the end. You too Nic" Meek said through the phone. I brought the phone closer to me.

"How do you know that their girls?"

"A fathers instincts is always correct"He said before yawning.

"Whatever...goodnight I have school in a few hours"

"Yeah I'll pick you up still 9 right?"

"You don't have to I have a car"

"Yeah but I want too I'll be at your house at 8:40"  I didn't feel like arguing and plus it's a free ride. And I doubt he's gonna make me pay for gas.

"Yeah ok bye sleep tight" I said then hung up. I laid down and went straight to sleep.


"Oh my god I'm hungry" I said getting inside of the car. Meek closed my door and ran to his side.  I heard someone whine in the back seat. I looked back and Rihana was in there moving in her car seat.

"Hey mama" I said. I stood up a little sitting my knees on the seat. Spit started coming out her mouth and she started making blubber noises. Bubbles started forming from her mouth. She looked at me and her small lips curled into a smile. 

"Nic sit down" I sat down and put my seat belt on. I looked over at Meek. He had on a white tee which had a few stains on them and grey sweat pants.

"You look tired"

"I am I ain't sleep after you hung up"

"Why" I asked

"Shaniyah came home drunk after I let her go out after we came from chino. Rihana kept crying all night found out she has a fever. I had to clean up Shaniyahs vomit and try to settle Rihana down. I swear bruh it's like taking care of two babies instead of one." He said while driving.

"Aww lil mama sick" I said looking back at her.

"You didn't have to come pick me up you could have just called or text me that you couldn't"

"Nah I wanted to pick you up" I didn't say anything. The ride was quiet besides Rihana making sounds with her mouth. Meek phone started ringing.

"Robert Williams" he said.

"What? I thought it wasn't till tomorrow" he sighed listening to the person on the phone.

"Ok what time"

"Shit. Yeah I'll be there" He hung up and mumble something under his breathe.

"You ok there" I said. He sighed and stopped at the light.

"I have a meeting today at two but Shaniyah doesn't come from her classes till 7. I gave the baby sitter off today. That's the funny part" he said. He did mention that Shaniyah was in college.

"I could watch her after I come from school if you want" meek looked over at me.

"You sure?"

"Yeah I'll come stay at the same place?"

"How you gonna get there"

"I'll have Candi drop me off"

"Ard thanks Nic I appreciate it. I'll text you the address" I nodded and the rest of the ride was silent. Meek pulled up in front of my school.

"Thanks Meek bye see you at 2:30" I said. He reached over so I could give him a kiss on the cheek.

"Nice try playboi. You don't deserve my kisses yet" I said. I got out and opened the back door. Rihanas little face was exposed to the outside light.

"Bye RiRi" I kissed her tiny cheek. She started speaking blubberish. I closed the door and waved before walking on the steps of my school.

"THAT ASS FAT MA" I heard a guy yell. I looked back and Meek was there looking outside the window smirking. I stuck my middle finger up at him. Everyone was looking at us.

"I heard they broke up" I heard someone say. I looked over to my right and this gorilla bitch was whispering to a monkey.

"I heard you was a human. But I guess not" I said


Excuse all errors

*sorry y'all but this weather out in Florida is terrible my electricity just went out and o gotta save my charge💀 I'll try to update tomorrow


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