Chapter 47

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I woke up hungry ass hell and energized. I reached over Meek and grabbed his phone to see it was only 4 in the morning. Today i had to go to my birth mothers 2nd and hopefully final funeral. Girls night didnt happen because Meek didnt accept. Which is why i made him go all the way to the cheese cake factory and get me cake.

"Meek....Meek....Wake up" I shook him. He grunted in his sleep. He wasnt usually a deep sleeper which was weird. He woke up at a sound of a pen drop.

"Meek my water broke" I heard him sigh and shift in the bed.

"Shut the fuck up Onika your 7 months" I smacked my teeth.

"Im hungry"

"Go to sleep Nika"

"No im hungry can you get me some cake from the fridge please? I can't its too dark for me to be walking down the stairs" After a few seconds of grunting he got out of bed and went downstairs. I just played with my fingers waiting on him. After like three minutes he came back with a water bottle and two slices of cake on a plate. He gave me it and went straight to sleep. I ate my cake leaving off some of the icing and drunk my water. I placed the plate on the nightstand next to me. I shook Meek again.


"What Nic"

"I have to go to the bathroom" He sighed and got out of bed. He walked to my side taking the sheets off me then picking me up like i was nothing. He carried me safely to the restroom. I really just wanted help walking to it since it was dark but being carried was also ok. I pulled the pants of my night gown down then my panties. I did my business. Meek handed me wipes from the cabinet and i took two wiping myself. I dispose the wipes then washed my hands.

"Is it hairy down there?"

"Just a little baby" he said honestly as he pulled my undergarments and pants up.

"Can you shave it later today."

"As you wish come on" he said. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he picked me up as if i was a baby. We went back to bed.

"Baby im not tired" he didn't say anything. He went on his phone and gave it to me with the app Netflix opened. I scrolled through trying to find something interesting to watch. I watched one of my favorite shows. "Paw Patrol" i was 18 and one of my favorite shows is "Paw Patrol"


"Meek move" I said as he continued to kiss on me while i was trying to do my makeup in our bathroom.

"No you smell good" I rolled my eyes.

"Did you get Rihs bag ready?"


"Did you put extra water in there."


"Did you brush your teeth?" I asked scrunching my face to put effect to my question. He was taking back by my question but didnt say anything. In response he blew his breath in my face. It smelled like full on mint. He grabbed my face and kissed me. His warm plump lips moving in sync with mine. I felt his tongue hit against my lips asking for an entrance. I granted it. His tongue smoothly glide against mine. After like two minutes if doing this p he pulled away and smirked. It wasn't the when i released he place his gum in my mouth.

"How my breath smell?" he asked. I rolled my eyes and chew on his gum. It hadnt loss its flavor so i still chewed on it.

"Sour" I answered. He smacked his teeth and left to the room but not before squeezing my ass hard.

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