Chapter 19

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5 months later

"Meek stop I can't swim" I giggled running from him around the pool. We were having a pool party at his place and he was chasing me to throw me in the water. I then got cornered. He picked me up.

"Meek baby stop" I hit his back. He brought me to the pool. He put me down but held a firm grip on my waist.

"Baby I got you don't worry"

"Why should I"

"Because won't get the big surprise" I bit my lip at him trying to look sexy.

"So if I don't push you in I get a surprise?" I nodded and looked at him with begging eyes.

"OK then I won't push you in" I felt relieved. I really didn't want to go in because I just got my hair done. Then out of nowhere I was being given lifted off the ground. I looked up at Meek who was holding me like I was a baby.

"1....2....3" I finally got what he was doing.

"MEEK NOOO" He tossed me in the water. At first I thought I was drowning but then I started floating. I breathed in and out before I felt I could breathe normally again.

"Told you I got you" I looked to my side and realized I wasn't floating well by myself Meek was helping me. I rolled my eyes. When we got out of the pool i kissed his cheek.

"For not letting me drown" then I punched his arm.

"What's that for" he asked rubbing his arm.

"For making me mess my hair up and almost making me drown" I walked over to Candi who was eating barbecued ribs. I sat in her lap.

"Ugh ugh your ass to big to be on me like that" she said putting the plate down and trying to push me off. I laughed and got off of her. Before walking away I swiped the smallest piece of chicken and ran. Then I bumped into someone.  They caught me. Looking at the brown eyes before me I smiled for some reason. I got myself straighten and stood straight.

"Hi I'm nicki thank you by the way"

"Wassup im Wallee"


"It's a Nickname" I felt eyes on me so I turned around and seen Meek staring.

"Oh okay then Wallee I better get going before the boyfriend gets jealous" we both lightly chuckled. I walked away

"OK then Onika see you around" I turned around and did I friendly wink. I walked back over to Meek who was sitting on a lounge chair smoking. I sat in his lap.

"I'm hungry" I pouted he ignored me.

"Baby I'm hungry" I whined and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Go ask ole boy to fix you up a plate" he nodded his chin towards Wallee. I laughed a little.

"Aww my little baby is jealous of my side nigga" Meek gave me a cold look as he took a pull from is blunt. I laughed.

"Baby I'm playing you know you the only nigga I'm checking for" I kissed him and he exhaled the smoke into my mouth and I exhaled it out my nose.

"Damn I miss doing that" a few months back Meek had made me stop smoking weed. fighting, and mouthing people. And I actually listen well to him at least. Once in a while I'll  act up to get the punishment which was rougher than our regular sex. I lost my virginity to Meek like 3 months ago.

We watched as everyone had fun. There was music playing, food on the grill and people dancing. Meek took out his phone and was texting someone.

"Your birthday is coming up" I said to him.

"Yeah I know a regular day"

"Yeah i guess it'll be a  regular day then" I smiled at the thought of the day. Meek put his phone down and looked at me.

"This bathing suit is too revealing" he said. He kissed on my neck going down to the top of my breast. I moaned as he started sucking.

"Baby I'm hungry" I said Meek smacked his teeth. I kissed him.

"Other hungry" I whispered I watched as his eyes got big. He quickly got up and we went inside to the nearest room. Meek sat me on the bed and untied the top of my bathing suit.

"Nicki are you okay your walking funny" Candi said smirking. I rolled my eyes. We were cleaning up after everyone left.

"Shut up" I said. I bent over to pick up a empty beer can but then felt arms wrapped around me. I put the can in the trash bag and turned around.

"Leave me alone so I could finish" I said to Meek.

"Come on let's go inside I'll have someone clean up later" I nodded and he took the trash bag from me.

"Girls come inside!" He yelled out to the others as we walked inside the house. We all sat in the game room. The guys were talking together and I sat with Marie, Candi, and Christiana.

"I can't stand his guts" Marie scoffed staring at Omelly. I laughed.

"Yall always breaking up " Candi said.

"I get an abortion and suddenly I'm a bad person or as he put it a selfish bitch. I'm only in high school going to graduate. I would like to go to college not raise a kid. And plus my parents would not agree with me having a baby"

"My mom at first didn't agree with me having my baby but then she went to her ultrasound with me and decided to keep it. But I was still in high school and couldn't raise her so I gave her up for adoption to a family that could" Christiana said.

"Well all your stories are touchy but no one gives a damn" I said in the most honest kind way.

"Nicki you don't have to be so heartless all the time" Christiana said I rolled my eyes and shrugged.

"I try but we gotta go soon"

"Aye Nicki" Deen semi yelled calling me. I gave him my undivided attention.

"You like it from the back or front Meek won't tell us" I stared hard at him.

"You wanna get slap on the right or left cheek?" I asked with the same enthusiasm.

"Aye Deen how about you shut the fuck up because the only way you'll ever get laid is if you crawl up a chicken's ass and wait." Marie said. For some reason everyone started laughing. We high fived each other. I looked at my phone. It was 10:37pm and I had 4 missed calls from my mom and a text message also. I read her text message. 'School night come home' I rolled my eyes.

"We gotta go" I said to Candi and Christiana. Candi now leaves with us for the time being since her house was evicted. Her mom didn't really care for her so my mom  thought it would be a good idea. I got up and went to Meek. I kissed him.

"Bye baby we gotta go" he nodded and squeezed my ass.

"Drive safe"

"I matter as well go to" Marie said gathering her things. I rolled my eyes.


Excuse any mistakes

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*there will be another time jump in probably a chapter or so


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