Chapter 15

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Onika maraj

"Meekkk oh my goddd" I moaned as I held the back of his with my hand. He swirled his tongue into my flesh driving me crazy. I tried pushing his head back but for only him to pop my thigh, mumbling something, sending a vibration to my most sensitive place.

"I have to ughhhh" I cummed on Meeks lips and he cleaned it all up. ,you eye lids became heavy. Meek came up kissing my neck. He chuckled as my eyelids went lower.

"You tired ma" I dosed off.

Waking up my head felt like a club playing loud stereo music. I sat up on the bed holding my head. I looked around and notice the walls weren't Fusia instead white. I looked around and seen black drawers not the pure white ones I have. My memory of any sort last night was gone other than that I went on a date with Meek. But where am I was what I should be worrying about at this moment. I got off the bed that was covered with white silk sheets and my feet touched the cold floor. But it wasn't just my feet that felt cold my whole body somewhat did. I looked down to finally reveal I had no clothes on but my bra. I quickly scurried onto the floor picking up my thong. Putting it on something below felt excited for some reason. I picked up my white dress placing my body in it and putting the strap of my purse on my shoulder. I didn't bother putting on shoes just took them and walked with them in my hands. Going to the door of the room I saw a picture, I picked it up and examined it. I must be at Meeks house. There stood Meek with long braided hair with a women well girl that looked just like him. I put the picture back and walked out. Looking through my purse for my phone and walking also. My body collided with a others causing me to all most fall. Looking up Meek stood there with a glass of water in one hand and advil in the other.

"Sorry" I said.

"You leaving?"

"Yeah my mom probably has a missing report on me"

"Ard here... wait here imma go get my keys" he handed me the water and the pills without any hesitation I chugged down the water with a pill. Meek came back with his keys and we went to one of his cars. Before pulling out I took a god look at his house and boy was it big. It was like 2 mansions put into one.

"So what happened last night"  I asked after 10 minutes of awkward silence.

"Shit I don't even know we had our date Shit , drunk a few bottles ...we went to my house....I gave you head" my eyes grew at the last part I looked at Meek and he simply chuckled.

"So we didn't have sex?"

"Nah you wasn't in the right state of mind and you a virgin proably want to actually remember your first time and I ain't that type of guy" I sat there quiet then we pulled up to my house.

"Thanks for not you know" I kissed his cheek.

"Ard see you later ma I'll call you"  I walked to the steel gates and punched the code in waving back at Meek as he drove off I walked in as the gates closed behind me. One of my moms cars were outside along with this other one.  Walking past the pool that was in the front yard I finally made it to the front door. I unlocked it with my keys, preparing myself for the worse. Walking to the living there sat my mom with some other lady and this girl about my age.

"There she is....Nicki come sit"I sat by my mom not really wanting to get yelled at.

"So this here is Christina and this is her mom Diane" I waved.

"Hi I'm Onika the daughter" I said plainly.

"OK so Christiana will be living with us because Diane has a trip in Europe till then Chris is our roomate" I just stared at the girl.

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