Chapter Eighteen

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V  I O L E T

Did I like Harry? And if I did, was I really jealous? Also, if it was true, then what should I do? I could not like him. We were different.

Yes, we loved art and we were neighbors, but if something happened we would not be friends anymore and it would ruin our friendship. Although, I did not think it was a friendship that we had between us, and I had always thought it was something else.

Something more. So, why would I risk losing that beautiful thing?

And, I was sure he did not feel that way, I was sure he did not like me. I was not even sure if I liked him, I was just saying maybe.

"Violet? Earth to Violet," Elle said, and I zoned out of my own thinking world.

"Hmm? Sorry."

"Oh my god..." Her eyes went wide. "You did not answer me."


"So, it is true! You like him." I was going to speak, but she cut me off. "Oh no, do not deny it, princess Violet." I huffed, then someone else cut me off this time. It was Harry. He was coming our way and I was glad that she was not with him.

"Hey, Girls!" 

"Hey, Harry," Elle replied and I just waved back at him. I looked at her and gave her a look that said 'don't you dare and leave me alone with him', I even thought of that in my head. 

"Is Jay eating alone by himself?" She asked him smirking. 

"No, Sarah is with him. I-I came here to see why you w-were late, lunch is almost over."

"Oh, well I should go see them." I was not going back because I was bored of the table back there. Elle left us both alone, and I glared at her for not staying. 

Harry turned around to follow Elle and go back to the table, when he noticed I was not following he stopped his tracks to face me.

"What is wrong Violet?"

"Nothing." He frowned.

"Aren't you coming b-back?" He asked. I didn't answer returned to playing with the grass, and shook my head as an answer.

"I am not hungry, when the bell ring I head to the class." I was lying, I was so damn hungry actually, but I do not want to go and hear Sarah talk about nothing, and flirt with him.

"So, you are not sitting with u-us?" I did not answer, but I noticed he did not walk away or say anything. He just stood there, I looked up and saw him staring at me with his green eyes, smirking.

"What?" I asked with confusion on my face.

"Is it because of her?"

"Because of who?" He laughed at me acting dumb. I knew that he figured everything out, he knew my opinion about her.

"Oh please, stop a-acting."

"I do not understand anything."

"Because of Sarah." I did not say a word back as he sighed. "Look, I did not know she was coming. She is always around and I-I know you hate that." He knew me so well, but I had to show him that I did not care and what he said was not true. 

I did hate it when she was always around, because I was scared that she was not that kind she seemed as. We did not know her and I did not want to have a desperate friend being hurt by her, but at the same time it was his life. I can not tell him who to talk to and not.

"That is not true, she seems okay." I shrugged my shoulders.

"Violet?" I waited for him to continue, but he simply smiled and shook his head. He stretched his arm and gave me a hand, I held his hand and sighed. I stood up and fixed my clothes, then we walked our way back.

"Harry." I stopped my tracks and held his wrist.

"Yes?" He stopped walking and turned around to face me.

"I am scared." For a moment, I saw worry in his eyes as he frowned.

I was scared. Scared of losing this friendship and of him changing. I was scared that we would never go to the tree house or even spent a good night like what we had yesterday. And, I had a weird feeling if he was going out with Sarah.

"W-What are you scared of?" His eyes looked at my lips for a second then went back to my eyes. I caught him doing that for the first time and it was the hottest thing ever.

"Scared of losing you as a friend," I said, and he let out a breath.

"Stop being so silly, you will never lose me. I-I am always here." He smiled to reassure me. "Plus, y-you will not get rid of me t-that easily." I chuckled. He pulled me in a hug and I hugged him back.

Actually, what I wanted to say was, 'Harry, I am scared that you will date Sarah'. But I decided to keep it inside.

I had to admit it. I, Violet James, was jealous of Sarah.

And... I might have feelings for Harry Styles.


Anyways please, vote and comment! Also please, check out my other new story "The Wish"

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