Chapter Thirty Two

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As soon as the adrenaline rush from the fight wore off I crashed. Thank god I was up in my room when it finally did wear off, because all I did was lean back. My eyes were closed before I even got close to touching the pillows.


"Sera!" I woke up to four boys yelling my name. "Come on, Sera, let's go swimming!"

"No!" I shouted back.

"But we've got an hour before dinner!" Ryan hollered. Thankfully they were still all outside my door. Maybe they wanted to go swimming badly enough that they would let me stay here in peace. I could only hope.

"No!" I flung my head back down and pulled a pillow over my head. For a few minutes I thought I was going to be okay, that they'd go and leave me alone. But what was I thinking? Of course that would never happen.

"Come on!" I recognized the single voice as Jaydon's. About a second later four hands were tickling me, three on my stomach and sides and one on the back of my knee. That would be Jaydon. He knew all my ticklish spots. But who was with him? I didn't believe that Mark or Ryan would do this with me.

"Serafina, it'd be easier for you to just come with us, you know that, right? We could stop then." The smiling voice was Bishop's. I curled up tighter into a ball instead of lashing out, hoping that somehow I could block them from my ticklish spots. I hated being tickled and Jaydon knew that. He must have shared that knowledge with Bishop.

"Fine, I give up, I give up!!!" I screamed, flinging my arms and legs out in every which way. I connected with both of them, and they jumped back. "Just get out so I can change, all right?" They smirked.

"Will you wear your blue bikini?" Jaydon asked with a wolf grin.

"No!" I replied. "Maybe if you hadn't asked, but since you did, I think I'll wear my black one piece and a pair of basketball shorts." Both of them looked appalled, as well as Mark and Ryan who were peering in through the doorway.

"You can't do that!" they exclaimed.

"Just watch me!" I said, then thought the better of that decision. "Actually, don't. How about, wait and see? That works better in this situation. Now go on down to the pool. I'll be there in five."

"Fine," the four of them said and slowly filed out into the hall, Bishop pulling the door shut behind him. I walked to the dresser and pulled out my black one piece, eyeing it slowly. Did I really want to wear it? No. It was sort of ratty. With a half sigh I tossed it back in and picked up my blue bikini. I knew that it was what they wanted me to wear, but I wanted to wear it anyways. I grabbed my flimsy white "dress" that I used as a swimsuit cover and slipped it over my head before jamming my feet into a pair of flipflops and making my way downstairs.

The boys were already in the pool by the time I got there. I gave them a faint smile as I did a jackknife off the diving board, splashing Jaydon and Mark in the face. The water felt sooo good. I dove down and touched the bottom before rocketing back up to the surface, feeling the water streak off my face and shoulders as I popped up. Bishop grinned at me, and I smiled back.

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