Chapter Twenty Four

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I was standing across the hall from my room, glaring at Bishop. He was standing in my way, not letting me into my room to go check on Jay and Jenni. I was just about ready to get violent when Patricia came around the corner, followed closely by Ariana and Nata. I had been wondering when someone would call her.

"Let us in, Bishop," Patricia said, and he willingly moved out of the way. I brushed in ahead of Patricia, at that moment not caring if I offended her. I was more worried about how Jay and Jenni were doing. "Jaydon's worse off," Patricia informed Nata. "If you want to be helpful, Sera, go check on Jenni." I bedgrudingly nodded and did as she asked.

Jenni at least was still conscious. She attempted to give me a smile, but apparently she was too sick to pull it off, so it came out as more of a weird grimace. "How are you feeling?" I whispered, knowing that she obviously wasn't feeling good but I didn't know just how badly she did feel.

"Horrible," she replied. "How's Jay doing?"

"Nata's looking at him right now," I informed her. "Once she's done she's going to come check on you before she goes to see the idiot boys downstairs. Even though they're as annoying as all get out, I hope they aren't as sick as you two."

Jenni nodded that she understood. If they were as sick as that, then it would only be a matter of time before our entire household was sick. I had barely finished the thought when that dreaded coughing came from the other room again. It couldn't be Jay, could it? Had Nata somehow gotten him to regain consciousness?

"I'll be right back," I told Jenni even as I started for the door. I didn't wait for her response as I dashed out into my room. Nata and Ariana were still standing by Jaydon, and he was as unconscious as ever. But Patricia was hunched over, and that horrible coughing sound was coming from her.

"Ariana, go get Steve," I ordered immediately. She looked up at me, obviously about to protest. When she saw the look on my face, however, she nodded tightly and hurried out of the room. I helped Patricia to my windowseat; she didn't stop coughing the entire time.

I moved over to sit beside Jaydon on his bed, staring at Nata as she hunched over him. She glanced up at me before returing her attention to Jay. A few minutes after that, she looked up at me, her face etched with worry lines.

"I need to go call Alison," Nata said. "I would tell you to leave this room, but I'm guessing that you've been in and out of this room all day, seeing as its yours. If you're going to get sick, a few more minutes in here with them won't change anything."

"Thanks, Nata," I said as she left the room in a hurry. Absentmindedly I picked up Jaydon's hand and felt for a pulse in his wrist. Without meaing to, I let out a sigh of relief when I found it.

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