Chapter 15

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I woke up the next morning to a soft knocking on my door. I yawned and heard a reply, "Good morning beautiful, please hurry up and get dressed. I have a wonderful day planned for us, I'm going to be downstairs finishing getting ready." It was Peter; I smiled as he spoke. I was really starting to love that voice of his. I wonder what he had planned and with that thought in mind I jumped up and took a shower and brushed my teeth. Then I ran over to my bag and ruffled though it, unsure of what I should wear. Eventually I picked out a darker blue tanktop with a pair of faded blue jeans. I looked at myself in the mirror as I brushed my blond hair into a high ponytail. 

I looked in the mirror at my green eyes, I hated them but I couldn't help but wonder what Peter thought of them. I knew I was starting to love his adorable brown eyes. I blushed, 'what am I thinking?!' I shook my head, glanced at myself in the mirror one more time and then ran out of my room and jogged lightly downstairs. 

I just stepped off the last stair when I heard one of the male wolves talking about me, I didn't want to hear it but I heard what Peter said to him. 

"SHUT UP! IF YOU TALK BAD ABOUT ARIANA EVER AGAIN I'LL KICK YOU ASS!" His voice shook the house as he lost his temper. He then said...well growled something that was too low for me to hear. Then I slowly walked into the kitchen, uneasy but still ready to fight or to run if need be. Neither one I liked very much. Peter was standing behind the counter by the stove and cooked egg and meat filled the air. Peter was glaring at one of the male werewolves, until I walked in then his attention was on me. He gave me a huge smile like nothing happened. Peter glanced at the werewolf on a bench.  

Peter pretty much growled, "See you later, Ryan." The werewolf got up and left without a word. He was clearly pissed off. 

Then Peter turned to a pan on the stove, grabbed a plate and put half the food on it and the other half on another. I sniffed, "It smells amazing!"  

"Thanks. I made it for you, beautiful." He smiled at me. We ate talking about this and that he told me a few stories of when he was growing up then he asked about me childhood when I was younger. Surprisingly, I told him everything, from when my parents died to all the foster homes I've been to. His eyes were wide when I was done. 

"A werewolf bit your mom?" 

"Yeah...then she went crazy and killed herself..." 

"And yet you're still open minded to us...even though it was werewolves who pretty much killed your mom and turned your life upside down?" 

"Yeah...I mean just because you guys are a werewolves doesn't mean that you're like the one who bit my mom... And truthfully I only stayed here because of you and your mom..." I was being so honest I had to look down at my now empty plate. I looked up at Peter shyly, unsure of how he was going to react. 

He smiled through his shock. "I'm so glad you gave us a chance. I know that it must be hard with everyone but please give them a chance they're just.... I don't know. They just don't see you like I do. I know you wouldn't hurt us, only if you had to." I don't know why he would be so sure but before I got lost in my thoughts he grabbed my arm and started dragging me out the door. 

"What are you doing???" I asked in bewilderment. 

"Come on, it's a surprise." He smiled like he was up to something. He led me around the comer of the house then asked me a question that I knew the answer to already. "Do you trust me?" His simple question had so much meaning and such hope all I could do was barely breathe my unbelievable answer. 

"Yes," It wasn't even a whisper but his werewolf hearing heard it and as soon as he heard it he beamed from ear to ear. Then he took out a handkerchief, unfolded it and put it carefully around my head over my eyes so I couldn't see anything. My sight was covered by a sheet of darkness. 

"How many finger am I holding up?" he asked. 

I could hear the excitement in his voice, I smiled and took a wild guess, "Um....three?" 

"Nope." He laughed then started to turn me around and around. Then he led me into the unknown direction. 


After so long he took off the cover that was blinding me. "Ta-da!" The first thing I saw was Peters brilliant eyes bright with hope and excitement. Then I saw his surprise. 

I could tell we were in the garden, in a small ruin of a room. The walls were covered in beautiful roses and so many other different flowers that I didn't know the names of. One end of the room, there was a tree that had long ago broke its way into its home now, the wall around it was crushed and half covered in vegetation. The room was roofless and you could see the blue sky with clouds here and there trying to cover its beauty. The floor was all grass, any of the floor from long ago was gone sometime ago. Daisies and other flowers covered the floor here and there and in the middle was a picnic blanket spread out. 

"Oh my god! Its beautiful!" I breathed, amazed someone would bring me to such a wonderful place, "Is this a dream?" 

"No, it's as real as you stand here in front of me." Peter smiled at me. Then after we just laid down and looked at the clouds. We stayed like that for hours, it was nice.  

Then out of no where Peter turned and looked at me and said, "Ariana, I have to tell you something." 


"Well," he took a deep breath. "Well, werewolves have this one person who was picked out just for them, kinda like a soulmate. Just it's kinda rare for a werewolf to find his mate. He or she know as soon as they do, they know as soon as they touch. It sends tingles though their body. And I've found're my mate. I hope you don't reject me, it'd kill me..." He looked down. 

I touched his chin and lifted it so he looked in my eyes. "I've felt the tingles... And I trust you more than I've trusted anyone..." 

Then he kissed me. It was my first kiss and I wouldn't change anything about it. After that we spent some more time out there just holding hands then we folded up the blanket and walked back to the house. We walked in silence but it was nice. Then suddenly I wondered what the other werewolves did all day.

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