So this is the End

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Chapter 32 So this is the End

"Luke I'm scared," Jonathan said as they both stood standing outside the courtroom.

2 weeks had gone by when Jonathan realized his mistake when he was called to head to court the next day. He wanted to have a meltdown. He wasn't ready to hear the truth that would ultimately resolve their problem. Open minded he believed to truly be Evan's father. They had went through so much that it would break Jonathan's heart.

But even if he wasn't then he could still be Evan's father since he had placed his name on the birth certificate. Now thinking back to it, he let Gina handle the paperwork. He hated paperwork and was glad to leave it behind back in high school. Of course he hadn't seen the birth certificate. He was still amazed that the school he placed Evan in let him finalize the papers without it.

"It's naturally to be afraid. I would too if this was between me and Blue," Luke said placing a comforting hand on Jonathan's back.

Sometimes he wished he could actually repay everything Luke has ever done for him. He had so much confidence in Jonathan and it still shocks him. Evan was currently playing with Tyler as he brought him along. Blue was hanging out with Dially needing a girls day out. Jonathan looked at the clock and watched as the seconds go by.

"This is it Jonathan," Anthony said reassuring Jonathan.

Jonathan smiled back at Anthony grateful to have hired him as his lawyer again. It was too long until the bailiff came. But surprisingly it was a different bailiff from before.

"The courtroom is ready," the bailiff said as Gina walked swiftly behind him.

Jonathan walked a couple feet behind her as he went to sit down at his seat. Luke sat behind him with Tyler and Evan.

"All rise for Judge Hemming," the bailiff said.

What happened with Judge Mark.

"Judge Mark couldn't make it today so I will proceeding over this case for him," Hemming said.

"Alright first order of business to see if Jonathan is Evan's real father," Hemming said as he ripped the envelope open.

"The percentage that Jonathan Dennis is the biological father of Evan Dennis is 0 percent," Hemming said handing the paper to the bailiff to give to Jonathan.

"What," Jonathan whispered reading over the contents.

Just as he said there was no chance that Jonathan was the father of Evan. He started to shake with sadness as he gripped the piece of paper.

"Now reviewing over what Judge Mark has given me. There is no problem for Jonathan to have custody over Evan if he was on the birth certificate," Hemming said.

"But I have the official birth certificate and it only states the mother of the child," Hemming said shocking Jonathan.

"You didn't put my name on the birth certificate," Jonathan said to her.

"No because I wasn't sure you were really the father," Gina said.

"As law dictates you have no right over Evan. Evan will go to the closest living relative which happens to be his mother. She will decide if she wants to continue your visit with the child. That is my final judgement case closed," Hemming said banging the gavel.

"You will never see Evan again. You can count on it," Gina hissed at Jonathan as she went to retrieve Evan.

"Luke," Gina said picking up Evan.

"Bitch," Luke mumbled picking up Tyler.

"Daddy where am I going," Evan said as She walked away.

"Daddy please come with," Evan called out and Jonathan started to shake.

"Daddy don't let her take me," Evan cried out struggling in her arms.

"Daddy please I Sorry for being bad," Evan continued to cry out.

"Please Daddy," Evan said but that was the last thing Jonathan heard as he watched the doors closing behind them.

Evan's crying face embedded in his head forever.

Writing Evan getting taken away from Jonathan made me cry. It was so heart breaking but this is what I had planned from the start. For those of you who didn't get the clue It's alright. I'll explain everything.

If you take the first letter of each chapter it spells out two sentences.


I got this idea from the game Dead Space. The first letter from each chapter spelled out the sentence Nicole is dead. I thought that was so clever I did my one version which is this story.

If you think this is the end do not worry. I do have a sequel planned and as you're reading this it's probably already posted. It's called Teenage Troubles.

I hope you enjoy this book just as much as the last one

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I hope you enjoy this book just as much as the last one. I know you will. Will there be a secret hidden message in the second book like the first. Who knows read and find out.

With lots of love 💛


Brofish 👊🐟

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