Chapter 24 - In The Name Of Love

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Every chapter would have a song which relates to the chapter. Before you read this Chapter make sure you listen to "In The Name Of Love By Martin Garrix Ft. Bebe Rexha" while reading to get the feels... 

Everything is blurry. For a second, Caitlin never knew who or where she was. She didn't know how she got in that bed. Then everything was processed. She slowly sits up. She slowly woke up.

Nora ran into the room. She was wearing a Winnie the Pooh PJs.

"Mummy! Wake Up!" She yelled.

"Nora, what is it?" Caitlin stood up from her bed.

Nora began waving her arms and giggling.

"Daddy is going to train! Can we watch him please?" She bursted out loud.

Caitlin could feel her pulse pounding in her temples. This was not good at all. Barry was not ready to go out and run. He may end up in Coma again. She felt a discomfort in her chest, a feeling in her brain like excess caffeine. She stunned in surprise when she felt a warm embrace.

"Hey, Caitlin. You okay?" She heard a soothing voice.

She took a few steps back to see his face.

"Barry...You can't do this yet" she murmured.

"Caitlin, I have to do this" His green eyes sparkled. Caitlin knew she could not stop him. Like usual he left, in a flash.

The diffused grey light of a darkening sky pushes light just far enough into the corners of the star labs building. Caitlin watched Barry prepare to run. She couldn't loose him yet again. She can't go through this again.

Barry kneeled and prepared himself. Tears ran down Caitlin's ice cold cheeks. She could feel the ice cold side of her coming out. Slowly it began, she was slowly loosing control.

Barry was speeding towards the boxes which Cisco had left in the middle to stop him. Barry's eyesight blurred. Everything became fuzzy; then he saw nothing at all. His consciousness was floating through an empty space filled with a thick static. Feeling in his body drained away until finally all was black. 

Ps. I am so bad at this shit. I will post more often now!! But I need a vote, if I post more often  (once a week) the chapters would be short however if I post late, the chapters would be longer. So comment which one I should do!! :)

Love ya all for reading this xoxo

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