Chapter 22 - Faded

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Every chapter would have a song which relates to the chapter. Before you read this Chapter make sure you listen to "Faded By Alan Walker" while reading to get the feels :) 

*Fast Forward 3 Months*

Waking up can be really harsh, especially if your dreams are better than reality. The saddest part of it is, though, that eventually even the memory of your dream will fad - if you are even lucky enough to remember it that is. Then you're left with this lonely feeling of detachment, left to explore in the empty void of emotions, the only proof that you ever had the dream, to begin with.

Caitlin turned around to search for Barry when she finally remembered. This has been going on every day, she keeps expecting him to have that annoying trademark goofy smile on, staring at her while she is asleep, but no. She stands up and walks like a ghost into the bathroom when she saw her reflection. She's loosing her mind...again. She can feel it unravelling, the threads of every happy memory she could ever once recall, all but a disarray of strings scattered about her feet. Her sharp knees land onto the bathroom floor as she hits the ground, her hands unsteady as they silently claw at the tiles. She opens her mouth, but not a sound comes out, her head violently quivering as if there is a drill to the back of her skull. her eyes see nothing; they have lost all sight of what is and what could have been. Her mouth is open, an eternal silenced scream.

Suddenly ice began to form in her hands. She quickly grabbed the bathroom sink and forced her body up. She stared at her unrecognisable face in the mirror. Her eyes were swollen from crying every day. Her cheeks were red. But her vision was a little blurry she wiped her eyes to look closely at her eyes. They shined blue. Oh No. She thought. Killer Frost is coming back. She had a control of her powers before but now she slowly began losing control. All of the protective walls around her fell down. She felt empty.

Her emotional breakdown was interrupted when her phone began to ring, she rushed over to the bed side table where her phone lied, it was Cisco.

"Caitlin, he is awake" Cisco muttered. She could hear him sigh.

"I'm coming" she replies in barely a whisper.

She quickly glances at her self in the mirror one last time. Her cheeks were getting pale. She put her hands over her cheeks. They were freezing cold. She inhaled and looked at her reflection one more time before leaving.

*At the hospital*

She rushed through the Hospital corridor and finally reached Barry's room. She was hoping with all the hope she had left that Barry was fine, and maybe Cisco was wrong maybe he can remember Caitlin and the twins. She pushed the door open, holding onto all the hope she had left in her.

He was lying there, awake. He turned to focus his gaze on her. She looked into his eyes, her heart sank. He smiled at her but with a confused look. He was trying to remember who this person was in front of him. Her eyes welled up she bowed her head and touched her wedding ring, and breathed in and told her self 'Caitlin, you can do this' she looked up and smiled at him softly.

"The doctors have just came and spoken to me, and well my friend Cisco has told me that my name is Barry Allen. Sorry but who are you?"

Her heart felt as if her blood had become tar as it struggled to keep a steady beat.

"Um, Yes. I am Caitlin Snow All..." Her voice cracked and she bites her lip to keep from crying out.

A sharp pain lanced through her head and colourful spots flashed in front of her eyes, it felt like her whole body had been beaten and every movement caused some muscle or bone to ache.

Regardless, she needed to get out of here...away from him. She spun around to leave the room when Cisco walked in. Realising what was going on he put his hands on her shoulder.

"Caitlin, you can do this." He gave her a reassuring smile.

"Cisco, he is my husband! How do you expect me to tell him to love me again?"

"I don't know much about love, but if your love is that strong, he would be able to fall in love with you again" Cisco smiled.


Caitlin turned around to speak to Barry, Cisco had left the room to give them some space.

"You didn't tell me your full name" He gave her a soft smile.

"Let's just leave it as Caitlin Snow for now" She whispered.

"Oh Yes, Sure" He smiled with his signature goofy smile which she wished every single day when he was in coma to see again.

"I should leave you to sleep, you just woke up" She smiles at him weakly.

"I think I feel better, you don't need to leave" He yawned.

She laughed "I think you do" She turned to leave.

She briskly left the room before he could reply. Tears were streaming down her face. She bit her lips trying to control her tears. Stop Crying Caitlin. She told her self.

She felt so lost. He was her light through the dark. Like a star he had faded away. The monster was running wild inside her. She needed him to cage the monster again before it was let loose inside her.

Did you all recognise  how I added the song lyrics to the story :)

Hope you enjoyed it! Leave a comment please :)

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