Chapter 12 - Rock Bottom

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Every chapter would have a song which relates to the chapter. Before you read this Chapter make sure you listen to "Rock Bottom By Hailee Steinfeld" while reading to get the feels :)

Barry breathes in and slowly pushes the door open.

She is sitting there with a cup of coffee. She doesn't look up.

"I brought your favourite donuts"

Her eyes flickered up "I don't want it, I want you to stop coming into my apartment"

"Cait, come on please let's fix this"

"If you want sex, I'm sure Iris would love to give you some" she rolled her eyes.

"Cait...I''m not here cause of that" He put the donuts in front of her and gave her a pout.

She grabs a donut and throws it at him. He laughs.

"Come on Cait, Let's get going to Star Labs"

She stands up so she is facing him. "Let me make this straight to you, I hate you, just get out!"

She pulls her hand up to smack his face.

He grabs her hand and stops it.

"Caitlin, I am trying! Can't you accept the fact that I am trying my hardest to get you back!"

He moves closer to touch her but before he could touch her, she pushes him.

"Leave me alone! Barry!" She screams.

"Caitlin! Can you stop?! Let me try?" He yells at her.

"I don't need you to try! We all know who you want! Go to her! Don't bother coming back here!" 

She points at the door.

He stares at her with pleading eyes.

"GET OUT!" she screams.

He mutters something under his breath and turns and stomps out and before he leaves he says "I won't bother coming again!" and he shuts the door hard.

Later that day at Star Labs. 

Caitlin is at the cortex when Barry trudges in. "Cait..."

She looks over at him. He has a black eye and there was blood on his forehead.

He falls in front of her. She quickly runs over to him and tries to wake him up.

"Barry wake up!"

"Cait...I have to tell you something" he says trying to speak.

Tears falling from her eyes dripping onto his chest.

"I love you"

She punches him softly.

"You are not going to die, Barry Allen! You hear me!"

He snickers quietly "I know, I have you Doctor Snow"

After she finally patches Barry up. He flickers his eyes open.


He winks at her weakly.

"This does not change anything!"

His eyes turn glassy "Fine, you don't want to know"

"Know what" She gives him a confused expression.

"I may have feelings for Iris but doesn't mean I don't have feelings for you! You never asked me who I would choose!"

"Yeah, I know you would choose her" she takes her stuff and turns to walk out.

He wipes his tears.

"You...I would choose you, Caitlin"

She stops. She spins around "Me?"

He smiles weakly, "Yes you, I may have kissed Iris cause my jealously took over me but doesn't mean I never loved you"

She stares at him.

"It's always you, Caitlin Snow. No Matter what I will always come back to you"She beams.

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