Chapter 7 - Rockabye

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Every chapter would have a song which relates to the chapter. Before you read this Chapter make sure you listen to "Rockabye by Clean Bandit" while reading to get the feels :) 


"Where is she?" She asked Cisco nervously.

Cisco meddling with his gadgets didn't look up.

"She is with her boyfriend, she will come soon Mrs Tanhauser"

"Boyfriend?!" She spat.

Caitlin and Barry walked in. Barry's arm is around Caitlin's waist.

Mrs Tanhauser watches intently at Barry's arm around Caitlin's waist, protectively.

Caitlin stops when she see's who is there.


Her mother runs over to hug her and put her arms around her.

Caitlin pulls back and asks "Why are you here?"

"It's about your father Caitlin"

Caitlin freezes on the spot.


"Mum...will you be staying?" Young Caitlin asks her Mother while drawing a picture of her and her Mother.

"No, Honey I have to go to work"

"Mum you have been going to work and leaving me alone since Dad..."

She stops talking while tears start falling down.

Carla walks over to her, puts her arms around Caitlin.

"I am doing it for you sweet heart"

She lets go of Caitlin and walks out, closing the front door.

Young Caitlin slowly walks up the creaking, stairs and goes into her parent's room, on the desk near their bed she sees a picture of her Mum, Dad and her. She picks it up and she drops onto the floor crying.

She sees a blue lightning out side the window. She quickly hides underneath her parent's bed and she finds her Dad's sweater which he used to wear, she gets it out and hugs onto it tightly, tears streaming down the 9-year-olds scared little face.

She hears a voice.


The 9-year-old slowly pops her head out from underneath the bed. Recognising the voice immediately That's her father's voice. He is the only person who calls her Cait.

There was a figure standing there, she couldn't see the person clearly so she comes out from underneath the bed to look closely, she begins walking up to the person.

"Daddy is that you"

She touches the figure. Suddenly in a blue flash, it disappears.

The door swings open. Her mother comes running in.

"Caitlin, Honey are you okay?"

Young Caitlin pulls her mothers head and whispers in her ears, "I saw Daddy"

Her mother pulls away with tears dripping onto her lab coat.

"Don't you understand, your father is gone" she yelled.

Caitlin jumped by the sound of her Mother's voice, she has never screamed at her before.

That is when Caitlin came to a realisation that the one person who meant the world to her wasn't going to come back. He was gone.

"Mummy, I need him" her eyes glassy.

Her mother gazes at the floor realising she hurt her.

"We all need him but we have to let go"

She embraces Caitlin into a tight hug. 

"We are going to get through this together, Caitlin"

She sobbed into her Mother's chest increasingly, hands clutching her lab coat. Her mother held her in silence, rocking Caitlin slowly while her tears soaked her chest. In that moment Caitlin didn't know her Mother was going to leave her as well, and then she was going to be alone.

End of Flashback

She feels a strong arm wrapping around her shoulder, pulling her close and gently rubbing her arm. She recognises his touch immediately. She sunk into the warmth of Barry's side. His touch made the room warmer somehow. She felt him brush her hair back with his fingers and kiss her head gently.

"You Okay? You kinda started shaking"

She faces her mother and nods to him.

"What about Dad?"Her mother hesitantly whispers "I saw him"

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