Chapter 8 - Lay It All On Me

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Every chapter would have a song which relates to the chapter. Before you read this Chapter make sure you listen to "Lay It All On Me By Rudimental Ft. Ed Sheeran" while reading to get the feels :) 

Ps. This chapter is dedicated to a friend who has been there for me a lot, and this song reminds me of her! Saucelabs


A single tear rolled down her cheek. Stinging her tear stained face. Her eyes now filling with tears glistening in the light, bouncing sadness through the atmosphere. Barry turned to face her, with one rough hand under her chin, he angles her face toward him and kissed away the tears.

Her mother stared at them in silence.

Caitlin focuses her attention on her mother "Savitar kidnapped Dad and we all thought he was dead!"

Her mother trod towards her "Caitlin. I did not know"

"We have to get him. I'm going to find him and get my Dad back" Caitlin declared standing up.

Cisco glanced at Barry, signalling him to speak to her.


"No, Barry. When it was your Dad we did everything, you did everything! I didn't know about my Dad at all. I can't just stand here"

She pushed her hair back and staggered around the lab.

H.R proclaims "How about you just leave it to The Flash"

Caitlin shoots him a glare.

"No. This is my Dad and I'm going to get him back" Her voice changes, giving a Killer Frost echo.

Barry looks up fear in his eyes.

"No, No, No. Caitlin looks at me" He grasps her shoulders.

Caitlin's Killer Frost side slowly starts to form, she growls "Move Out the way"

Carla murmurs "Caitlin, please don't"

Smirking, Caitlin touches the cup on the table and freezes it.

Barry grabs her arm "Caitlin, I'm not going anywhere!"

Killer Frost chuckles, "Well you're going to get yourself killed lover boy"

Barry pulls Caitlin towards him and locks his lips with hers. His eyes closed fearlessly. He knew this was the only way he could reach Caitlin.

"Barry, move away! She is going to freeze you to death!" Cisco yells.

Barry pushes his lips closer to her, his lips begin to freeze causing his body to freeze.

"Caitlin, Sweetheart you're going to kill him! I don't know him well but I can see how much you love him! Don't do one mistake which will ruin your life"

No, No continue kissing him let the darkness take over you Caitlin, kill the man you love, Killer Frost began to whisper in Caitlin's mind. Coming into realisation on what she is doing, she pushes away.

Barry half frozen drops. Caitlin runs over while he defrosts himself.

Slow desolate tears ran from her unblinking eyes and dripped steadily into his shirt.

"Barry...I'm sorry" she stuttered.

Barry pushed himself up slowly. He stroked her brunette hair and pulled her into his chest, weakly still trying to recover. The warmth of being with him made her happy.

She looked up at him, stroking his face, trying to warm his freezing face.

He smiled "Cait, I'm fine."

"Barry, why? Why did you do that you could have got killed" Caitlin whispered trembling.

He snickered "Cause I love you Cait! Lay it all me! we are in this together, we are going to save your Dad, you may think of me as just your boyfriend at the moment but I am still your friend"

She beams.

"I'll be your shoulder at anytime you need"

He opens his arms and she doesn't hesitate to go into them. His body is so familiar to her - the way it moves, the smell of cologne, even the sound of his heart beating.

She whispers "I love you, Barry Allen"

Carla breaks the silence around Barry and Caitlin "Ok let me get this straight, you defrosted yourself. How exactly? Who are you? Are you even human?"

Caitlin holds onto Barry's hands while looking over at her mother, giggling softly.

"He is special!"

She winks at Barry who pulls her in for a passionate kiss. She kisses him steadily controlling her emotions and powers, making sure not to hurt him again. She puts her hands around his neck and strokes his hair.

H.R laughs and starts to whistle.

Carla looks at Cisco "Do they have to do this?"

Cisco laughs "You try seeing them together every day"

Breaking from the kiss, Caitlin faces Cisco.

"We have to find a way to get him back"

Barry strokes her hair "Cait, we will, Cisco search for his location"

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