Chapter 19 - Flashlight

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Every chapter would have a song which relates to the chapter. Before you read this Chapter make sure you listen to "Flashlight By Jessie J" while reading to get the feels :)  

"Hey, Hey, Bella look Mummy is here!" Caitlin whispered.

She took Bella in her arm, she snuggled closely to her mother. Caitlin sang a lullaby to soothe her, and to make her fall asleep.

Suddenly she felt an arm on her shoulder, and that person was breathing really close and then she noticed who it was she spun around.

"Hey..." He winked.

"Hi, how was work?" She asks planting him a kiss on his cheeks.

"It was alright but I missed my Doctor" He smirked.

She chuckled.

"So is everything ready for the party tomorrow"

"Well yes, I have finished setting up the living room" She said wryly. They were planning a party to celebrate the birth of Bella and Nora Allen.

Barry smiled softly "How did you even do all that with these two munchkins?"

"Trust me it was difficult" Caitlin finally got Bella to sleep, she slowly put her back in her crib.

"You could have waited until I got back you know, I would of done it in a second" he flashed his trademark goofy smile at her.

She rolls her eyes, "Barry Allen don't you start showing off"

He laughs and wraps his arms around her kissing her gently on the lips.

"I love you, Caitlin"

"I love you too, Barry"

*The Next Day*

"Barry!!" Caitlin stood infront of the mirror, wearing a long midnight blue dress.

Barry sped in. "Yes..." He asked.

She turns around and catches a glimpse of his suit.

"Wow Barry Allen! Is that really you" She giggles.

"Dr Allen, You look beautiful" He snickers.

"It's going to take awhile for me to get used to that"

The doorbell rings, Barry speeds to check who it is.

"Cisco Ramon is in the house! Where are my nieces?!" He declares.

H.R nudges him and says "We agreed that they are both our nieces"

"No, I get the honor to have those two sweet peas as my nieces, now can you move out! Where are they Barry?"

Caitlin walks in and laughs. "They are in the crib"

After a while the room is filled with friend's of Barry and Caitlin.

"Hey Caitlin" Caitlin spins around to see Iris, she quickly gives Caitlin a hug.

"I'm happy for you two" She gives a small smile.

"Thank You Iris, I am so sorry for everything and..."

Iris stops her. "Make him happy"

Caitlin nods.

"Just look at the way he is standing there next to the girls crib, that is what you call a over protective Dad!"

Caitlin laughs, Barry catches her laughing at him and walks over to check what the commotion is about.

"What's funny?" He snakes his arm around Caitlin's waist.

"The fact poor Nora and Bella would probably never get boyfriends" Iris teases.

"Come On Iris they are only a week old and you are talking about boyfriends, give me time"

The girls both laugh at his comment.

He watches Caitlin laugh. Her laughter was sweet, joyful, anyone could hear it from a mile away, it would echo through the room and it would cheer everyone up.

Iris punches Barry softly, he suddenly comes back.

"I'm going to get going, I'm going to give a quick kiss to the girls"

Caitlin nods "It was nice having you here Iris, Thank you for coming"

Iris smiles at Barry and Caitlin before walking towards the twins crib.

Caitlin turns to Barry "Would you like to tell me why you are staring at me as if you just met me"

Barry continues staring with a sparkle in his green eyes "That is cause you are the best thing that ever happened to me Caitlin Allen. When I look around me, I see a beautiful life, I have a gorgeous, smart, loving wife who gave birth to our two beautiful baby girls, those three people bring out the best in me"She smiles softly and takes his hand. "Let's go see the girls" she whispers. He nods.

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