Chapter 20 - 100 Years

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Every chapter would have a song which relates to the chapter. Before you read this Chapter make sure you listen to "100 Years By Five For Fighting" while reading to get the feels :)    

*5 years later*

"Daddy, I don't wanna go!" Nora sat on the floor and whined.

"That is cause you don't have any friends, Nora" Bella giggles.

"No Fair! Daddy! Mummy! Bella is being a meanie!" Nora yelled.

Caitlin gently leans in and kisses Barry's warm lips.

"Hey so you going to pick them up from school?" Caitlin asked.

Barry grabbing Nora while she is still whining says "Yeah, I will be there in a..."

Caitlin stops him and rolls her eyes "A Flash! We know"

He laughs. "You know me so well"

She softly smiles.

He feels someone tug his trousers, and looks down to see Bella's brown eyes sparkling at him, "Daddy!!!" He rolls his eyes and before Bella could say anything he quickly gets them both ready in a flash.

"Yay! I love going spinny spinny!" Bella giggles and falls onto her back.

Nora pulls her sister up and they both stand in front of their parents waiting for the day to begin.

"Don't you two look so cute" Caitlin comments.

Barry smiled to himself watching his small family. He thought to himself he couldn't have asked for more, him and Caitlin were happy together. The twins were well behaved...most of the time but he loved them. He would not let anyone come between his family, he would protect them and keep them safe.

"Mummy, I look cuter than Nora right..." Bella smirks.

Barry laughs.

Caitlin shoots him a glare.

Barry nervously scratches the back of his neck "Oh Bella, you don't say that..." He stops when he sees Nora.


Caitlin turns and sees Barry with his mouth wide open.

She focuses on Nora and realises what she is doing.

"Nora! Let go of the waterbottle! You are freezing it!" Caitlin yells.

In shock Nora drops the water bottle on the floor. Her eyes begin to get glassy and then tears flood out of her eyes like a dam.

"Hey, baby girl come here!" Barry kneels down to embrace.

She runs over to Barry and wraps her tiny toddler arm around him.

"Daddy, it was accident! I didn't mean it!" she cried.

"No baby, I know you didn't mean it" Barry whispered.

Caitlin walks over to a little frightened Bella, who is shaken by what her sister just did and carries her. She looks over at Barry who is still in shock.

"Barry we have to take them both to the lab and run tests"

"Your right! Let's get going"

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