Chapter 5 - Take On The World

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Every chapter would have a song which relates to the chapter. Before you read this Chapter make sure you listen to "Take On The World By You Me At Six" while reading to get the feels and you probably will cry...  

Barry sped into the hospital.

There were nurses and doctors leaving Caitlin's room, smiling. He couldn't believe it. His face is lit up and he has that soft look on his face. Happiness flowed through him, warming his skin like the rays of an early summer sun. His grin exploded into a radiant smile that he hadn't worn since he was with Caitlin. Everything was going to be alright now.

He quickly pushed through the crowd of doctors and into the room. Cisco was standing near the window, the sunlight shone through the rectangle window, lying on the tiled floor like sweet honey. Joe had his arms around Iris. Jesse and Harry had come when they heard about Caitlin. Wally was sitting on the seat near Jesse. They all beamed when Barry walked in.

Barry turned his focus on the bed where Caitlin was lying awake. She was smiling weakly. Her eyes were sparkling but he could see the pain. His eyes got glassy. He walked over to her slowly. It's her that creates the warmth in his soul, her that fills him full of life and keeps the fire burning in his eyes. If that's not happiness he doesn't know what is.


He stands near her bed.

She reaches to touch his hand. He jumps a little when her hands are freezing cold.

He kneels down to stroke her face which was cold as well. He knew this was her Meta Human side trying to heal her.

"I don't regret having Killer frost in me, she did save my life" she jokes while her voice begins to tremble.

Her eyes welled with tears, her lips forming a smile. Finally, the tears split over and flowed down her face. Barry takes his thumb and wipes away her tears.

He leans in, so his forehead rest against hers. They close their eyes. Both their breaths are shaking.

"Look at me. I love you" he says in barely more than a whisper.

Gently he leans in and kisses Caitlin's frosty lips softly.

He pulls her closer to him wrapping his arms around her. His embrace was warm, and his slender, strong arms seemed very protective when wrapped around her frail body. The world around her melted away as she squeezes him back, not wanting the moment to end.

He whispers through her hair "You're are my future Caitlin Snow..."

Tears spilling down his face.

"...never forget we were built to last"

She touches his hands.

"...step out of the shadows and into my life"

He takes a hold of her hands and squeezes them.

"...and we will silence the voices, that haunt you inside"

Then she gives him a smile that just seems so genuinely sweet with just the right touch of shyness that unexpected warmth rushes through him.

Barry wrapped her in a warm swaddle of his chest and arms. She didn't want to leave. It felt as if when she was in his arms all her pain went away - mental and physical, mostly the depressing pain. If she could only stay in his arms forever, safe from the world. One could only hope.

His world has stopped still on its axis. There was no time, no wind, no rain. Barry's mind was at peace. How could it be that he hadn't seen Caitlin's love for what it was in the beginning? Pure. Unselfish. Undemanding. Free. He felt her body press in, soft and warm. This was the love he'd waited for, prayed for. A love like this was to be cherished for life. Finally, he was home.

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