Bambam imagine (Got7 Halloween imagines)

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You rummaged through the rack of Halloween costumes and pulled out a pirate costume. "What about this one?" you asked Bambam who stood near you going through the next rack over.
He looked over and shook his head. "No... I want something out there and different."
You set it back and sighed. "Like what? If you want something out there and different, use a dress."
Bambam snorted. "You're only saying that because I look great in dresses."
You laughed. "You know me so well~"
He smiled and moved over to another rack and looked through it.
You walked over to the shelf of headbands and smiled to yourself, grabbing sparkly cat ears and a Pikachu one. You put on the Pikachu headband and snuck up behind Bambam. You put it on him and grinned. "So cute!! You should be a cat."
Bambam blinked looking at you, touching the headband. "A cat? But I was us to match. You can't be Pikachu if I'm going to be a cat."
You chuckled. "But Pikachu~"
"Should I be Ash then?"
You shook your head. "No. Be a cat~"
He sighed. "I don't want to be a cat though."
"Hm," you hummed in thought. "Oh!! I have an idea! You can be Binx and I'll be Sarah~"
Bambam rose an eyebrow. "I thought I said I didn't want to be a cat."
"Then I'll be Binx and you be Sarah~"
Bambam paused for a moment. "Should I? I mean, I know I'll be wearing a dress, but I would be working it..."
"Yes!! Yes, do it~"
Bambam laughed. "Alright, alright. You win. I'll wear the dress."
You grinned wide. "Yay~!"

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