Chapter 28

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Arianna P.O.V

Today is the twin's 1st birthday. A lot of things have changed in the last ten months. Nicey and O are now expecting a baby. G1 and his girl Neka finally tied the knot. Josh still Josh - that's nothing new. My momma is around a lot more. My daddy found him a girlfriend named Tamia. She's mad cool. Johnathan and Melinda are doing just fine. Jason is so handsome. Johnathan runs the shop for Andre now.

With the extra money the have coming in. They were able to start a trust fund for Jason.

The twins are daddy and grandpa little girls. They get anything they want out of them and everybody else but me.

De'Ari is just like me quiet, funny, stays to herself, and smart as hell. But she got a temper like me. De'Janae is just like Andre. Always playing, laughing, getting into things, and being bossy. But the twins are inseparable.

"Mommy! Mommy!" The twins yell coming down the stairs


"Today's our day!" They yelled. I'm having them a party at Chuck E. Cheese. It's a princess theme.

"Yes it is. Where is your big head ass daddy?" They giggled.

"Upstairs. He say he got to look sexy for all da ladies." I bust out laughing.

"Y'all daddy is not sexy, he's a beast." My daddy chimed in.

"POP-POP!" They yelled in unison. They hugged and kissed him.

"Happy birthday my two monsters."

"We no monsters were pwincesses." Janae said sticking out her tongue.

"Hey Tamia." I said hugging her.

"Hey Ms. Thing." We walked in the kitchen to talk.

Andre had finally came downstairs wearing some True Religion Jeans, a Burberry shirt, with some Burberry Loafers. Where this nigga going? I couldn't help but laugh. I'm too through with him.

"Nigga you is not cute." I said. He mugged me.

"Neither are you."

"I know your twins are cute, but I'm sexy." I stated.

"Tell him mommy." Janae chimed in.

"Whatever. All y'all just hatin' on all my sexiness." He said.

"Okay, whatever because we not about to argue with you about you lying." I said as we walked out the door. He got the kids buckled in and we left the house.

Everyone should be there by now. The party starts at 12.

Danica P.O.V

I know none of you want to hear what I have to say, but I'll talk anyways. I'm not gone lie, my sister did keep her promises. Every time she saw me she beat my ass. I couldn't deal with it anymore. I had to leave. I couldn't take the beatings anymore. My mother tried to tell me after the last time when we broke into their house to let it go, but I didn't listen. I just wanted to be loved like how D1 loved Ari. Yes I admit that I was jealous of her and Andre's relationship. He never treated me like that. I know y'all like of course not 'cause you a hoe, but I left for good. I had to find myself.

I got myself together. I went to school and became an LPN. I meet a guy named Tevin and he treats me like the queen I am. He helped me get myself together. He taught me how a man should treat a woman. We've been together for about seven months and I love every minute of it. He even talked me into finally apologizing to my sister for everything I did to her.

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