Chapter 9

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I pull up to the hotel Danica supposed to be staying in. She think I forgot about her she got another thing coming. I knock on her room door.

She must be expecting someone cause she was standing in lingerie. I looked at her in pure disgust. She started backing up. I smirked at her closing the door behind me.

"Wh-what a-are y-you d-doing h-here?" She looked so scared. She backed up into the wall. I walked up closer to her. I grabbed her by her neck.

"You think I wouldn't find out the stunt you pulled? Huh hoe? You spent my money you stole from me. I gave you everything. You had to be a greedy bitch. Now imma treat you like a hoe in the streets." I spat. She was starting to lose color in her face. I promise Ari I wouldn't kill her. I threw her across the room. She flew into the couch flipping it over.

I grabbed her by her hair slang her all over the room. I beat her ass like she was a man on the street. She deserved it.

Stupid hoe.

She was curled up in a ball crying.

"You wasn't crying stealing my shit so don't cry now. You lucky your sister saved your life hoe or you'll be dead bitch."

"Pl-please d-don't h-hurt my-my si-sister." I laughed evilly.

"It's all too late now. Just be glad she saved your life." With that I walked out the hotel room. I slid in my car and headed toward Ari's place. She think I don't know where she live she wrong. Yeah it took me some time to find out, but I did. She went in an area no one would notice her.

I pulled up in her visitors parking spot. I waited for the elevator. Once I got to her floor. I walked down the hallway.

I knocked on her door. I waited a good five minutes till she opened the door. She seen me and if looks could kill I'll be dead. I smiled.


I was at home chilling with no makeup on. There was a knock at the door. I'm thinking it's the pizza man, but when I opened the door. It was the Devil myself with that dumb ass smirk on his face.

"Why are you here?" I spat closing the door some.

"Dang I can't check up on a friend?" He said looking over me.

"No you cannot and I'm not your friend. So bye." I tried closing the door, but he stopped it.

"What or who you hiding in here?"


"Then open the door and let me see for myself." He just trying to be nosey. I opened the door for him. He walked in looking around. He went into my room searching. He so damn jealous. But it's so cute. I was leaning up against the wall smirking.

"Find what you looking for?"

"Nah you here alone which is good cause I have you all to myself." Psychotic ass people these days. There was a knock at the door. I looked, he looked. I took off toward the door. I tried to hurry up and get the pizza before he came.

He probably think I'm telling a nigga to come back another time. He snatched the door open. Glaring at he pizza man. Oh god.

I paid the man and walked into the living room. I was gone be rude and eat in his face, but I decided to share.

"Here man I know you want some."

"What I wanna eat not on the table." I damn near choked. He made my pussy jump them. He moved closer to me. Rubbing my thigh. My heart was beating fast. I didn't know what to do.

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